Chapter 10

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Zee fell asleep due to excessive drinking. He had finished drinking with Hendrix until the early hours of the morning, and he didn't want to go home yet. However, Hendrix stopped him and insisted on taking him home because he was unable to walk properly and might get into an accident on the way.

Zee woke up in the morning, with the sun shining on his face. He reached out to the side of his bed but couldn't find Nu there. He remembered getting drunk last night and being escorted home by Hendrix. He washed his face, worried that his partner had left him. Then there was a knock on the door. He opened it and saw Manang Edna.

"Why, Manang Edna?"

"Your breakfast is ready downstairs, I will go to the market today."

"Okay, Manang Edna," she left. He went downstairs and went to the kitchen. He missed Nu. How was he doing? Maybe he wasn't in a good condition. He suddenly remembered Nu's place where he used to live before becoming his personal assistant. Nu's house was located in Cebu. After eating, he quickly took a shower and changed clothes. He also booked a flight to Cebu.

After a few hours, he arrived in Cebu. He hailed a taxi to Nu's house. He got off the tricycle and paid the fare.

In front of him was a house that Nu rented, with neighboring houses. He felt like he couldn't live in such a place, it was too small and not in a good location. How could Nu live here? He knocked on the door of the house but no one answered. He hoped to see Nu there.

"Son, no one is there" said the old person standing beside the house earlier.

"Do you know where he went?"

"Oh, it's been years since someone lived there. The rumor is that he went to work abroad, that's all I remember."

"Thank you." So Nu wasn't here? Where could he be? Just as he was about to turn around and go back to Thailand, he saw Anna there. What was she doing here? Did she come home? He approached her, and it was evident from her face that she didn't expect to see him here.

"Sir Zee" she looked surprised.

"Can I ask you something?" Zee asked seriously.


"Do you know where Nu is right now? I haven't seen him since last night, I searched the entire house but couldn't find him. I even came to his house, but the old person said he hasn't been living here for a long time. I was just hoping you might know where he is. I'm going crazy looking for him."

Zee's face showed deep concern, and from what Anna heard, she was happy for her friend because someone truly loved him.

"Actually, Nu came with me last night because my mother passed away. I had no one to lean on at that time, and Nu was my only friend, so I didn't object when he came with me. I thought you already knew he was here, but it seems not" Anna explained with guilt.

Zee's face suddenly brightened after hearing Anna's words. So Nu was with Anna? He had deceived himself with wrong assumptions.

"Where is he now?"

"He's at home. I'm sorry for making you worry."

"It's Okay"

They went to Anna's house. There, they saw a small table with a few chairs. Some people were playing cards while others were sitting on the side. They were slightly surprised to see that there were people inside.

"I offer my condolences" Anna nodded and went inside. He saw Nu there, looking down. He approached him, and he lifted his face, surprised to see him.

"H-How... How did you know I was here?" Nu stammered.

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