Part 2: Chapter 14

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As they cruised home in Usman's sleek black Lexus, Yasin appeared worn out from his classes. His shirt shimmered with sweat under the blazing September sun as he wearily made his way towards the car. His hair was tousled and kinky, a testament to the stress he had endured.

"How's classes?" Islam inquired, graciously opening the back door for Yasin as he hopped into the car. She extended a tempting offer of gelato, their sweet indulgence from the Ice Cream shop they had visited en route to the school.

"I don't take sugar, it'll ruin my six packs," Yasin retorted, politely declining the treat and reclining on the seat without bothering to fasten his seatbelt.

Usman chuckled heartily at Yasin's comment and chimed in, "Lil Bro, you should savor the gelato. Don't let your childhood slip away. Childhood is all about chocolates, footballs, friends, and bicycles for an ordinary boy. The world's your oyster."

"I'm not an ordinary boy," Yasin playfully countered, eliciting laughter from Islam and Usman. "Sure, I live for football and bicycles, but I have a distaste for chocolates. Did you have six packs at seven too?"

Usman grinned, reminiscing about their younger days. "Nah, I was ten when I first noticed my abs. We used to work out as young lads, trying to sculpt our bodies."

As they turned onto the road leading to their opulent neighborhood, their eyes were greeted by an array of high-end, luxurious houses. Each dwelling exuded grandeur, adorned with meticulously manicured flowers and lined with smooth, coal-tarred roads.

"Have you prayed, Yasin?" Islam asked, adjusting her hijab as it got caught in the seatbelt.

"Yeah, I prayed with Salem at the masjid," Yasin replied, leaning towards the window and taking in the view of the upscale houses. "I'm really hungry," he added, sounding a bit anxious.

"I made rice and stew with plantain," Islam said, a smile spreading across her face as Yasin's eyes lit up. "Yaay!"

"I think I'll cancel my plans for now," Usman chimed in, ready to savor the delicious meal that awaited them.

"Now you say that," Islam playfully teased, as Usman pressed the horn and honked to alert the gatekeeper. The gate swung open, and they drove into the compound.

Yasin quickly hopped out of the car and dashed into the house, his hunger getting the best of him. Meanwhile, Islam and Usman stayed seated in the car, sharing a special moment together.

"Let me get the door," Usman offered, climbing out of the car and opening the door for Islam. She felt a surge of femininity and love as she gracefully stepped out, with Usman following closely behind.

As Islam entered the house, a sense of emptiness and boredom filled the air. She began calling out for Firdausi, but her voice trailed off as she reached the kitchen. There, lying next to the island counter, was Zaynab's lifeless body.

"Mamaaa!" Islam cried out, her voice echoing through the house. Usman rushed to the scene, kneeling down beside Zaynab and placing his head on her chest, hoping for a sign of life.

Her heart leapt into her throat as she locked eyes with Usman. The fear in his gaze was palpable as he uttered, "She's breathing, but she's unconscious."

Islam let out a heavy sigh of relief, still clutching Zaynab's hand tightly. She wasn't ready to let go. Usman gently scooped Zaynab up from the ground, effortlessly carrying her as if she weighed nothing. Islam held onto Zaynab's hand, unwilling to let it slip away, as Usman guided her down the patio toward his car.

"Mama!" Yasin came running out of the house, tears streaming down his face. Islam embraced him tightly, both of them crying, their hearts heavy with worry. They all piled into the car and raced to the hospital, Islam whispering, "Keep breathing, Mama. We're almost there."

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