Matthew's First Hunt

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Our next hunt takes us far away from where we're used to - California. According to Dean, there has been a lot of demon activity here, and he and Sam believe that they might know how to reverse what Lucifer has done to me.

After about two days of driving and stops, we make it to the most cliché motel ever; The Hollywood Inn, and this time we got two rooms. Sam and Dean got the "Clint Eastwood" room, while Matthew, Cas, and I got the "Marilyn Monroe" room. I drop my bag on the floor, and then I take my shoes off before jumping on the bed. I know Matthew wants to lay down, but as Cas is also in the room, he decides on the couch instead. Since Cas really never gets tired, he sits on the corner of the bed as he always does. It reminds me of the times before things got complicated, when I actually got to sleep well.

Before I know it, I drift off.


When Lucy has fallen asleep, I turn my attention back to Matthew, as I was told to keep him safe. Suddenly, he asks me, "Can you tell what she's dreaming about?"

I answer, "Well, yes, but she does not wish for me to read her mind. Why do you ask?"

He shrugs, saying, "I just wanted to make sure she's okay. Since I can't use my powers, I thought maybe you could."

"I can assure you that she is fine," I reply.

"Lucy has been through a lot...I wish I could have been around when she was going through it all," Matthew sighs.

"Matthew, if anything ever happens to me, you are going to be the one to look out for her. Promise me that," I say.

"Why do you say that?" Matthew asks.

I reply, "There is a war coming. All demons will be fighting for her, and all angels will be fighting for you. I promise to do everything in my power to stop either of you from getting hurt."

"Okay. I promise that I will protect her," Matthew nods, looking over to Lucy's sleeping form.


After I wake up, it's nearly noon. Cas is gone, probably in Sam and Dean's room, and Matthew is asleep on the couch. Seeing as I'm pretty dirty, I take a shower. Right as I'm leaving the bathroom in nothing but a towel, I bump into Matthew, and my towel conveniently falls off, causing me to shriek.

"I'm-uh, I'm sorry," Matthew awkwardly says. Then, he gets a closer look at my arms and body. He gasps, "Is this what Lucifer did to you?"

Without responding, I quickly put my towel back on, and I rush back over to my bed, where my clothes are. He follows me and demands an answer, "Did he do that to you?"

"Yes! He did! Now can you please go away?!" I snap.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Matthew asks.

"I did tell you. I just didn't show you," I correct him.

Matthew then adds, "Do you need Cas to fix them?"

"I don't want him to see them. He would blame himself every day for the rest of his existence if he saw them," I sigh.

"Why?" Matthew asks.

"Because he feels like he needs to protect me. Everybody feels like they need to protect me!" I huff.

"That's because we care about you," Matthew says, embracing me.

"I care about you guys too," I whisper, but I don't know if Matthew heard me. Then, I say, "Okay then. Go do whatever it is that you were gonna do."

After I hear Matthew turn on the shower again, I start to put on my clothes. Today, I decide to wear a matching bra and panties, because then at least something in my life will be put together. On the outside, I put on a tight-fitting t-shirt and some shorts, due to the fact that California is hot. However, I then realize that all of my scars show when I wear this. If I wear something that completely covers me up, Cas will be suspicious. Somehow, I end up crying.

Soon enough, Matthew comes back out of the bathroom, and to be completely honest, he looks hot without a shirt on, but even that doesn't distract me from how I feel right now.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Matthew asks, sitting down next to me and putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Cas will see the scars. I can't hide this," I sniffle.

"Is there not another angel that could help?" he asks.

Wiping my eyes, I remember, "Oh my god, I completely forgot about Hannah!"


"So where is this demon that we're looking for?" I ask.

"Oh, we're not looking for a demon this time," Dean smirks.

Confused, I ask, "What? Why?"

"We thought that a simple ghost job would be good for Matthew here to warm up on," Dean chuckles.

Matthew, a little wide-eyed, stutters, "Y-you mean, I'm supposed to be hunting with you?"

"I guess so," I shrug.

Sam and Dean take the Impala while Matthew and I take my Mustang. Following Dean closely, we end up at a dilapidated apartment building.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I ask Matthew, and he nods, despite the fact that he looks as pale as a sheet of paper.

I meet Sam and Dean at the trunk of the Impala, and there we get our guns and knives. I hand Matthew the typical sawed-off filled with rock salt, as well as an iron bar to hit the ghost with. I get a sawed-off too, as well as a pistol and an iron crowbar. We enter the apartment building, and then Dean says, "Lucy, you come with me. Sam, you and Matthew search the other side of the hotel and the basement. We'll search the room where the ghosts died."

After we split up, I ask Dean, "Are you sure that Sam can handle Matthew? I mean, he's never done this before -"

"He'll be fine," Dean reassures me. And so, we both take a barely-working elevator to the fourth floor, and then we enter an apartment that has been boarded up. Dean kicks the door in, and we both enter, holding our guns at the ready. We search the whole apartment, and then end up finding nothing.

"What are we missing? They're supposed to be here..." Dean says, furrowing his brows. Suddenly, I hear two gunshots come from downstairs. I start running before Dean does, and I desperately press the elevator button.

When we get to the basement, everything is quiet, then I hear Sam yell, "Look out!" Then, there is another gunshot. Dean and I run into the room that Sam and Matthew are in, and then Sam tells us, "I think we got it."

While Dean goes to congratulate Sam and Matthew, I say, "But wait - there was more than one ghost, right?"

As Sam's face begins to fall, Matthew screams, "Behind you!" I turn, and in one move, I am thrown out of the room, and locked in a closet. I hit my head, and I black out for about a minute.

When I come too, I hear the sounds of Sam and Dean fighting the ghost, while Matthew has almost broken down the door to the closet. My vision is blurry and I feel a bit woozy, so I close my eyes for a moment to prevent myself from vomiting out of dizziness. I hear Matthew break the door open, and he drops his gun before putting both of his hands to my face. "Lucy! Lucy, are you okay?"

Opening my eyes again, I say, "I hit my head...I'm dizzy." Matthew then picks me up along with his gun, and takes me out of the closet.

"Go! Get out of here!" Sam yells to Matthew, and he runs out of the apartment complex. He then lays me in the backseat of the Mustang, and drives back to the motel.

When we get back, I walk up to the motel room without Matthew's assistance, but my head still hurts. I go into our motel room, but Matthew separately goes to Sam and Dean's room to get Cas. A few moments after, Cas comes in, heals my head, and then leaves.

That definitely could have gone better than it did.

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