Chapter Seven

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The following day, I thought I would be waking up to Kyle's cute face. I frowned when I realized he was not there. But where he slept, there was a note. I picked it up and read it.

Morning Wallflower,

Sorry that I left without notice. You looked really tired and I didn't want to wake you. But I wanted to say thank you for having me over. I really appreciate the time I got to be honest with you. I just wanted to let you know that I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable at any point in time. I really hope what I said last night would not affect our friendship. You are a good person and I do not want to screw up anything with our new bond. I really like you and I think this is a good point in our relationship. I feel like I can be myself around you. I feel like I can finally relax and be a wallflower. I appreciate it. Thanks. I hope to hang out with you soon.


PS. My Snapchat is SirTunaMelt. I know, Disgusting. But I do love Tuna melts. So please don't tease me :P

I read it a couple of times before putting it down. His handwriting was way better than mine. Something about his writing felt genuine and unique. I felt so much love from this note. I could not believe this was happening. Mainly the idea of having a friend once more made me feel good. And if I had kept going to the GSA meetings, I would have more. Things were looking up for me for once. I felt a tingle in my stomach, which I had not felt in a long time.

I opened my phone, heading straight to downloading the Snapchat app. I had never used or cared for the social media that my generation used. I mean, I never had the friends to do so. Lina always told me to get it, but why would I use it for only her? So, when I started downloading it, it felt weird. Because one, I never knew what to do with it. Two, what even is Snapchat?

So when it finished downloading, I went onto it. I had to put all my credentials and my username. I sat for ten minutes to figure out what username I should use. I went from "TerranceReed2022". But somebody already had that. I even put "PeanutbutterandJellyjam," but not to my surprise, it was already active. So I sat there, thinking of what I could use. I looked around and tried to use it for reference. I looked at the note Kyle gave me. I had an idea. I started putting it in. Hoping it was going to work. And it did! My official username for Snapchat was TheWallflowerWalnut.

At this point, when the app opened. It was like looking at a cluttered mess. I needed to learn how to do anything. But there was no fear of asking somebody else I knew. I got up from my bed and went straight to Lina.

I got the clothes I had from last night. I stared at Kyle's disturbing white shirt. I swore the creature was catching up to me in dreams last night. I shivered and put it safely onto my bed, facing the other way so I wouldn't see that creepy face. I grabbed one of my favourite sweaters, which was a blue pullover that was puffy and oversized. I put on fitted grey jeans and fluffy striped socks.

At first, I was excited to ask Lina for help, but then I heard Mother's voice on the other side of my door. It was muffled and sounded like she was in her bedroom across from mine. I pressed my ears against the door and eavesdropped on her. She was talking to Father.

From what I can hear, this is what she was saying. "That damn boy has been so bad lately. Never condoning our deal with watching over me."

Father's voice jumped in. "He's getting older and getting over his anxiety about social skills."

"It's not good that he is."

"Why? Because he was finally getting out there again. Ever since Millie. He has not been the same."

The sound of something dropping on the floor could be heard. Mother's voice pierced. "I liked the way he was. Always there for me, unlike you!"

"I am trying to get us a good life! This is what I wanted; unfortunately, I have to make sacrifices for the good of our family."

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