Chapter Ten

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The following day, I ended up spending the whole day on Man'dr. Texting all types of men. And they were texting me. Surprisingly. Ever since Kyle ghosted me. I have this weird power trip. It was probably the confidence Kyle gave me, even though it was all me thinking it was. I knew I had the power to talk to whomever I wanted.

I still loved Kyle, but something about last night, made me realize I wanted to hurt Kyle for what he had done to me. It was so wrong of morality to do so, but I was way over my head. I liked it.

So messaging men was liberating. I had conversations with different types, mostly talking to guys closer to my age, as I tried my best to keep under 25. The older guys may be nice, but I was not interested in knowing if they were invested in my "Twinkie boy body."

One of the guys named Alec was my age and was going to the Blooming Party. He told me he had already graduated but didn't go last year and would make it up this time. We talked all morning about our lives and how we were the same person. He told me he was an outcast in school until he got into university. He even showed me photos from when he was in high school. He sure does not look like he does now.

Alec was beefy, and I mean intense and lean. He had considerable muscles in his biceps and his legs. Even he had a hard six-pack, which was intimidating. He was different from Kyle, for sure. He also had short black hair and a crooked smile that made me feel weird in my tummy. But yet, I liked it.

I even gave him better photos of myself. He told me he likes his twinks to be shaved and uncut. Which was all me, so I had to provide him with a photo. It was unnecessarily awkward because I did not know how to take a shirtless photo. So I stood in the cold bathroom with my jeans and no shirt. I tried every possible angle to photograph my torso and stomach. I even tried to make kissy faces to make it "hotter," but I looked like a demented duck.

Father walked on me when I was in the middle of my photoshoot. I dropped my phone as I noticed I had forgotten to lock the door to the bathroom. Father gasped as he saw what I was doing. I screamed at him to get out and forget about it. But he just made it worse by laughing.

Damn you, Dad. I thought.

Despite my reservations, I took a photo of my body that was pretty good. I liked it so much that I made it my new profile picture. I'll admit, part of the reason I did it was because I knew Kyle would see it. Although, I haven't seen any indication that he's viewed my profile yet. Strangely, the app has a feature to show who's considered your profile, but I've been changing my picture frequently in hopes of grabbing his attention. Even Dennis complimented me on my profile and called me hot, which made me feel good and boosted my confidence. However, I'm still eagerly waiting for Kyle to take notice.

As soon as I reached school, Dennis and Tyler approached me. They were showing a lot of interest in me.

"Omg, you are talking to Alec, the dick stallion!" Dennis snickered while grabbing onto my right shoulder.

"Alec the dick stallion?" I asked.

"The stallion of Vancouver. He is so fucking hot, and he is massive! I heard his dick size could wrap around the world ten times," Tyler added.

"Girl, that's a meager number for the fucking dick stallion!" Dennis exclaimed.

I felt my butthole clench as they talked about the size of his dick, as if they were talking about a planet. I didn't know if I liked 'bottoming' (they called it for someone in a submissive role). I know I wanted to know I was in control. But I didn't know Alec was. I may have enjoyed it because it was a new experience for me. This week has been different, so I may continue exploring this change. Trying new things like bottoming could be interesting without Kyle in my life. Kyle enjoyed it, so perhaps I would too.

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