Something Happens

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"Here you go, Lix. Some soup to help.", said Jisung as he placed the bowl on his nightstand.

"Thanks, Ji. I might throw it up though."
"You sure you don't wanna to the doctor?"

"I'm fine, really. Actually, can you bring me some jelly?"
Jisung raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. The jar of jelly."

The older leaves for the kitchen then comes back to hand him the jar.

"Thanks." Felix took the soup spoon, opens the jar, and eats it straight up.

"So good.", Felix sighs. Jisung makes a disgust face at him.
"Who eats jelly like that?"

"What? It's good. You want some?"

The older shook his head vigorously.
"I'm good."

Felix's phone rings.
"It's Hyunjin.", the younger told.

"So leave. It's FaceTime."
Jisung leaves the room as the younger instructed.

"Hi, Hyun.", he answers.
"Hey, babe. Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, great. I stopped throwing up like an hour ago."
"That's good. What're eating?"

"Just jelly? Why?"
"Cause it's good. Oh wait one sec."

Felix gets out of bed and heads to the kitchen then comes back with string cheese.

"Um are you sure you're ok?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Babe. You're literally eating jelly with cheese."

"Hyun, I'm fine. I promise you. And tell Minho so he'll stop asking too."

"Ok I believe you. Just checking. I love you. I'll see you later."
"Love you too. Bye."

Felix hangs up and puts down the jar of jelly when he felt his stomach hurting.

"Ow." He goes to the bathroom for painkillers, but there is none.
"O-oh.", he tears up.

"W-who the fuck took the whole bottle?! Shit it hurts.", he placed his hand on his lower stomach.

"Ugh. I ate too much." He goes to the front door and grabbed his keys. Seungmin snatches them away.

"Where do you think you're going?"
"To the store. Some asshole took my medicine."

"Felix, I told you about the swearing."

"Sorry, Eomma. But some asshole took my pills so that asshole is gonna my foot up their asshole."

"What's with you? Are you ok?"
"I'm fine! Jeez, why is everyone asking if I'm ok?!"

"Where you going?"
"To my room! It seems like it's the only place I'm wanted!", he slams the door.

Seungmin stands there with confusion and worry.

Sharp pain hits Felix's stomach again. He lies down and bundles himself in his blankets and falls asleep.

Later that night Felix awakens in a familiar bed that wasn't his. He turns over to see Jisung right next to him sound asleep.

He gets up and heads towards the kitchen in urge to eat something. He pulls out leftovers from yesterday's dinner and takes a bite.

"Blech! Gross.", he spits it out.

Jisung wakes up to noise from the kitchen.
"Gasp! We're being robbed.", he whispers.

He grabs a belt as a nearby weapon and sneaks his way down the hall not to make a sound.

Once he reaches the room he turns on the light.
"Ahh!!", Jisung screamed about to attack the intruder.

"Felix?" The older saw him curled on the floor eating. Felix looked up at the other and starts crying.

Jisung drops his belt and runs to the younger's side.
"Lix, what's wrong?"

"I don't know! Why am I like this?", he sobs.
"Why are you eating on the floor?"

Felix continues to cry as he eats a piece of bread. Jisung takes the bread out of the other's hand.

"Felix, you've been acting like for weeks. I think you should see a doctor."

"No! I'm fine. I want to sleep." Felix stands up and walks to his room.

After the younger is sound asleep, Jisung goes to the store and purchases something that he didn't want to but he had no choice. He goes back home and wakes Felix.

"Lix, wake up."
The older shakes him to wake up.

"What?", Felix asked groggily.
"I need you to do something."

Jisung pulls him out of bed and takes him to the bathroom.

"Take this.", he hands him a pregnancy test.
"What is this?"

"A pregnancy test."
Felix stood there in shocked with widen eyes.

"You don't mean..."
"Take it, Felix."

Felix gulps, slowly takes the test from the other and steps into the bathroom. A few minutes later he comes out with tears in his eyes.

Jisung grabs the test from the younger and reads it.

"NO! I want to take it again! I-it must be broken."

The younger grabs the whole box and takes it in the bathroom.

"Fuck!", Felix yelled. Jisung enters.
"Felix stop." The younger takes out another test as the older tries to stop him.

"Let go! I need to take it again!"
"Stop, Felix!"
The younger stops struggling and fell to the floor in tears.

Jisung comforts the other until he stops crying and calms down.

"It's positive, isn't it?", the younger asks sniffing.
"Yes. Yes it is."

Felix silently cries again and Jisung wipes his tears.

"Oh god.", Felix sits up.
"Minho and Hyunjin. What do I tell them."

"Do you know who's it is?"
"What do you mean, 'no'?"

"I was with both of them. Ji, I'm scared. I can't tell them. Not yet."
"It's going to be ok. I will help you through this, ok?"


"You're about five weeks pregnant, Mr. Lee.", the doctor said.
"Five weeks?! That's a month already!", Felix shouts.

"Lix, calm down.", Jisung said holding his hand.
"No! How can it be five weeks?!"

"Well, the symptoms won't show until one to two weeks. But in your case, it took longer."

"That doesn't make any sense!", Felix stood up and storms out the doctor's room.

"Felix!", Jisung called out. He bowed and thanked the doctor for their time then went after the younger.

"Felix! Felix, wait!", Jisung ran to catch up with him.
"Felix, stop!"

The older grabs the other's arm and turns him only to see tears coming down his face.

"Felix, please. You need to calm down."
"I- c-can't. I don't know how to raise a..a child! People have babies in their thirties not twenties."

"What if it's not so bad? You'll have your boyfriends to help you."
"What if they don't."

"They will. If not, there's Seungmin, Jeongin, and me.", Jisung gives a reassuring smile.

"Promise. Plus I want get a chance to hold the little one." The older places his hand on Felix's stomach.

"Don't touch."
"So harsh.", Jisung scoffed.

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