Family (part II)

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The next morning, Hyunjin and Felix were getting ready to leave the hospital with the twins.

"I was thinking about naming the twins Haejin and Hyeji. What do you think?", Felix asks.

"Ooh, I like that. Much better than my idea."
"Which was?"

"Don't worry about it. It's nothing."
"Why not tell me?"
"Doesn't matter now. I like yours better."

"Where's Minho?", Felix asks.
"He said he had to work, but I don't know if he went or not."

"I'm right here and I brought reinforcements.", Minho comes in and says.

Jisung, Seungmin and Jeongin show up with two baby carriers.

"Felix~", Jisung came running up to him and engulfed him in a big hug.
"Wow, you guys came."

"Of course we did. We wouldn't miss this the world.", Seungmin answered.

"Where are my little nieces?", Jisung looks around and saw them laying down on the bed.

"Awww. They're so cute. I can't wait to spoil them to death."
"What's their names?", Jeongin asked.

"Oh, I was thinking Haejin and Hyeji."
"I like that.", Minho smiles.

"Would you like to choose which one?"

Felix nods. Minho looks at the girls, deciding which name should go with who.

"Hmm...Hyeji will be the one with the freckles. And Haejin will be the older one."

"Then it's settled."

"Gasp! Haejin and Hyeji. My nieces." Jisung is in awe.
"They both look like...Felix.", Jeongin adds.

"Do they? I thought Hyeji looks more like me since she has freckles."

"Nope. I see you in them."

Minho and Hyunjin looked at each other as the room was silent. Felix was afraid they'll get mad at each other and laughs nervously to break the silence.

"It doesn't matter now. Let's go."

"Uhm..isn't anyone gonna point out the fact that I kept Felix having twins a secret?", Jisung speaks.

"Wait, you knew?", Hyunjin asked.
"But he told us though.", Seungmin added.

"You told them?", Felix replied.
"Well, I had to for the party."
"Party? What party?"

"Ji! Seriously?!", Seungmin elbows him.
"Surprise ruined.", Jeongin shakes his head.

"Oops, my bad."


Jisung, Seungmin, and Jeongin had put together a baby shower for Felix and his boyfriends at their place. The living room was mostly decorated in pink for the girls, gifts on the couch, and a cake was on the table.

They all walked in and entered the living room.

"Wow. You guys have really outdone yourselves.", Felix said.
"It looks so good thanks to me.", Jisung praises himself.

"It's", Minho says.
"I know right?"
"Shouldn't you have a baby shower before the birth?", Hyunjin asks.

"Yeah, but under certain circumstances, we couldn't. So, we're doing it now."

They all gathered around in the living room and Minho placed the twins, who were sound asleep, on the floor next to him.

"Ok, Lixie. You open this one first." Jisung hands him a gift bag.
Felix opens it and takes out two shirts.

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