Family (part I)

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"Family of Lee Felix?", the doctor announced.

"Yes?" Both Minho and Hyunjin rushed to the doctor.
"What's the prognosis, doc?", Hyunjin asks.

"After the checkups, Mr.Lee is doing well. Do you know who's the father?"

"'s in the air. Whoever grabs it first I guess. Heh heh.", Minho answers.

Hyunjin and the doctor raised an eyebrow at him.

"Right. I just need one of you to fill out this paperwork then I'll take you to see him.", the doctor hands the clipboard to Minho and leaves.

"And I thought I said stupid things.", Hyunjin told himself.

They both sat down to fill out the paperwork.

"Damn, I don't know these questions.", Minho says.
"You don't know his birthday?"

"Duh, I know that. Do you know how much he weighs?"
"Just put 160."

"160? Pounds?"
"He has a whole child in his stomach."

"I think they mean before. Like, what he usually weighs."

"Oh, I don't know that."
"But you know how much with a child?"

"He's been pregnant for 9 months. So, it's been a while."

"Now. What do we put for the father?"

"Ugh, give me that. I'll do it." Hyunjin snatches the clipboard and writes both of their names.

"There. Sometimes, Minho I think you're more clueless than me.", he hands it back.

"Well, I wasn't sure. I don't know if you can put two names on this."

Minho and Hyunjin continued to fill the form without having any clue how to answer most of them, practically all of them.

"Ok, all done."
"Wait. You have to sign it.", Hyunjin points out.

"That's for the patient, dummy."

"Excuse me.", the doctor calls.
"Oh, yes. Here.", Minho hands him the clipboard.

"Thank you. Mr. Lee is ready to see you now. Follow me."

They got up and followed the doctor to Felix's room. Felix looks over to see who it was and smiles at them.

"Felix.", Hyunjin goes to his side and pecked his forehead.
"How are you doing, love?"

"Are you ok? You look terrible."
"Did I say terrible? I meant terrific."

"It's fine. I'm ok. It's just the medication."
"We are here for you, Lix. Fighting.", Minho cheered.

"Oh, I need to tell you guys—"

"Shhh. No need to say anything. Just focus your energy on pushing.", Hyunjin interrupts.

"Are you ready, Mr. Lee?", the doctor asks.
"Uhm..yeah. I'm ready."

Everyone turns to Minho.

"Ohhh. I'm sorry. I thought you were talking to me."
Hyunjin shakes his head.

An hour later.

The first baby comes.

"Congratulations. The first is a baby girl.", a nurse said.

"Gasp! Did you hear that, Minho? A little girl.", Hyunjin tears up.

"You did so well, Lix. I'm proud of you.", Minho as he caressed his hand.

"Are you ready for the second one Mr. Lee?", the doctor asks.

Felix sits up getting ready to push again as Minho and Hyunjin look at each other puzzled.

"I-I am sorry..I tried to tell y-you.", Felix continues.

Since he was having twins, the second one didn't take as long as the first. When the second baby comes crying, Felix slumped back down out of exhaustion.

"Congrats on two baby girls.", the nurse said and took them to be cleaned.

"Felix?", Minho calls.

"Hah~ I'm fine. Just tired.", he answers with his eyes closed.
"I didn't know you were having twins."

"Yeah, I should've told you guys after I found out. I'm sorry."
"No it's ok. It was a surprise, right?", Hyunjin asks.

"Uh..yes. Yes, it was."
"Then it's fine. Minho doesn't like surprises though."

"Yes I do. Don't listen to him. I couldn't be happier."
"I'm happy too. I love you guys.", Felix smiles weakly.

Two nurses came back with the babies swaddled and hands one to Minho and one Hyunjin.

"Aw, she's so cute.", Hyunjin brushes her cheek. He looks at Minho who was crying.

"Min? Are you..crying?"

"N-no! Just had something in my eye.", he lies and wipes his tears away quickly.

"It's ok to cry."
"It's just...she has freckles. I think."

"Really?! Let me see."
Hyunjin walks over to peek at her.

"See? There and there."

One was under her eye, similar to where Hyunjin's beauty spot was, and the other was on her nose.

"Ooh. Felix take a look—" He sees Felix sleeping soundly.

"They're angels."
"Yeah. We should give them names."

"Shouldn't we wait for Felix?"

"I have some ideas."
"Oh, god.", Minho rolls his eyes.
"What? They're good."

"Probably not."

"Your father is a meanie. Remember, I'm good the one.", Hyunjin whispers to the baby.

She coos in response.
"I know. He's crazy."

Minho wanted to curse at him, but he couldn't in front of the babies. Instead, he smiles.

Two nurses come back.

"We will need to take your babies to the overnight room.", one says.

"Ok." They both hand twins over and sat back down.
"I'm tired. What time is it?"

"It's past 2 o'clock."
"In the morning? I'll just sleep here then."

"Do you have work today?"

"No. You?"
"Yeah. Should I cancel it?"
"You're the boss, aren't you?"

"Yes, but I can't just not show up."
"Call them then.", Hyunjin yawns and falls asleep.

Minho takes off his jacket and placed it on Hyunjin before kissing his forehead. He does the same with Felix before leaving and closing the door quietly.

He reaches into his pocket and took out two silver rings that were engraved.

"Soon.", he sighs.

He places the rings back in his pocket and walks away.

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