Don't know - Hyunlix

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Non-idol Au, wherein a study session between two best friends.... Kinda.... escalates.

- 2170 words


With a huge yawn, Hyunjin stretched his long limbs and slumped down on the bed again.

It was late at night and him and Felix were having a sleepover plus homework session at the freckled boy's house. They had completed one-fourth of it and while Felix was still typing away on the PPT, Hyunjin was laying on the bed star spread.

It was menace at best for him.

They both had taken Business as their side major in college. It was a good choice for Felix who wanted to open up a bakery or restaurant using his Culinary major, but it was a tough chore for Hyunjin, who was a dance major and had no interest in business. Not to mention, it was undeniably boring and very very exhausting.

He only took it because he had no wish to get involved in Psychology and also because his best friend was taking it.

"If you give up now, I will feed you to the cats." Felix's low growl made him flinch out of his dozed state. With a tired whine, Hyunjin rolled over on the bed and randomly threw up his arms.

"I am tired." he cried out, flapping his arms around wildly and looking over at the freckled boy with a dramatic pout.

"So am I, but we have to complete this today." Felix reminded him gently as he spun his chair around to face the drama queen.

"We have the entire weekend to complete this, can't we let it be for today?" He used his best persuasive voice, because yes, he was sullen and complaining.

"No, we have the entire weekend for fun, not slave over the projects." Felix replied back just as patiently, as if talking to a petulant child.

"Mate, stop procrastinating." he added in heavy Australian accent and smiled innocently.

Disheartened and bored, Hyunjin childishly stuck out his tongue at his best friend. He lazily rolled off the bed like a sloth and got up just as slowly to make his point of being tired.

Felix just laughed at his antics.

"I can't stand you." he spat out with fake theatrics and swung a slight punch just for setting his drama.

"I am gonna go raid your fridge for soda." his words floated back as he made his way out of Felix's room and leisurely descended the stairs. He sauntered into the kitchen just as slowly, as if his entire energy had been drained out through the project, but paused when his eyes found a figure standing by the refrigerator.


Felix's elder step brother.

Minho's father and Felix's mother had married each other a month ago, hence their undisturbed sleepover because the parents were out on a date. Minho was two years elder than Hyunjin and Felix and though he was a good guy, he was also pretty closed off and introvert.

Hyunjin had seen him first at the wedding, the second time when he came over for a family dinner two weeks later and for the third time now.

He was handsome and a gentleman, Hyunjin knew that. Felix really liked him too but while the freckled boy was very friendly and clingy, Minho was the opposite and hence, they weren't very close. It was no shocker though, they had only met two months ago anyways, it would take time to get used to the fact that they were brothers now.

Hyunjin bit his lip as he stared at Minho's muscled back. The elder was undeniably hot so of course, he was staring, but he was also very awkward as to what to do now. He really wanted some drink but at the same time, he was nervous to face Minho.

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