Help - Minlix

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Non-idol au, wherein Minho rescues a cat-hybrid, Lee Felix.

- 2270 words

Warning - A different AU overlooking distinct living forms such as hybrids, amphibian humans and other magical creatures due to the complications in the environment.


The world in 2093 is a hell lot of different.

And Minho finds it very interesting.

He sips his oreo choco drink while turning the page of the historical book he found in his grandfather's library. It was an account written by a then famous korean author, overlooking the changes occurring from year 2023 onwards to the world he knows now, after the deadly virus struck and imbalanced the nature.

Those years of Korea were popular due to its music industry, and these days, its the medical services it provides throughout the world for the different entities residing in here now.

Yes, a lot has changed in the last 70yrs, ever since another wave of the deadly pandemic Covid-19 hit the planet for the 3rd time. The nature's equilibrium staggered, the different complex forms of virus and other pathogens infecting people were mixing up very intricate forms of life and weird energy forms and configurations were birthed.

Lee Minho was born a mind reader of animals, which has led to a very very successful career as a veterinarian for him. Knowing exactly what is bothering his non-talking friends, he cures them in moments and almost the entire Seoul is thankful for him for saving their pets at least once.

Yeah, he is that famous. He is one of the very few veterinarians of Seoul, and that too someone who can hear the animals' thoughts, gives him an immense advantage. At just the age of 23, he is as close to becoming a millionaire as the President.

The work is hectic of course, he has no definite hours because its his own clinic that runs, but the satisfaction of helping the poor ones and watching the relieved smile of their owners faces is worth it.

Also, knowing that he has saved a life is one hell of an achievement and he does it almost a dozen times a day.

Which is how, he finds himself standing in front of his testing table with a frantic white cat in an equally frantic man's arms.

"What can I help you with?" he asked calmly, not wanting to panic at the sight of the distressed and loud white cat. To his immense dismay, the cat's left paw was bent weirdly and his two nails were torn off.

He had a huge soft spot for cats, sue him.

"Uhmm, I think my cat did something funny. He hasn't moved his paw properly the entire day and we have a travel in front of us in a few hours, I need him okay." the man's voice was shaking a little, but his entire demeanor was pretty put together for someone who got a sick cat and a journey ahead of him.

"Oh ok, well, I will have to know his grooming schedule and eating habits of course. Apart from that, his other informations like date of birth, etc. You can put him here and go fill out the form at the reception. Hyunjin will help you out with everything." Minho nodded professionally and reached for the snarling cat.

The man hesitated for a second and let his skittish eyes roam around the clinic and over Minho, who raise an eyebrow in question. The male gave off really weird vibes to him, not to mention his cat seemed to agree with how it was tussling in his hold and yelping.

"Can I... I can come back right in after filling the form, right?" what an absurd human, Minho scoffed.

"Of course not sir, you aren't allowed in a check-up, much less an expected surgery if you are right about your cat fracturing something." he was getting cranky by the man to be honest. He was too suspicious and too jittery for Minho's liking.

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