Produce - Chansung (Part 2)

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Non-idol Au, wherein Jisung has a writer's block and Chan is pretty much ready to help.... In more ways that one.

- 1790 words


Don't be nervous

Its just another producer

Its just another brainstorming session

You have done this numerous times

Stop being nervous HAN JISUNG!!

"Yo, you are here." Jisung jumped and banged his hand against the wall.


"Oh no, are you okay?" The young drama queen closed his eyes and breathed in deeply to drown the embarrassment setting in his bones. Why was he so jumpy just for a few hours of music session in Chan's studio? Yeah.... wonder why...

Why don't I drop dead when I want to?

"Yeah, I am fine.." he trailed off as his eyes opened and he found the owner of the voice.

Oh man, holy shit...

Chan smiled at him and waved him inside the room to close the door behind him while Jisung felt his mouth fall open in shock at his visuals.

Slightly taller than him, well muscled with broad shoulders and strong biceps, an easy smile on his handsome face, the elder looked angelic.

He had a black sleeveless tshirt on with black cargo pants. His black bangs were messy in the front, brushing his forehead in an adorable way. His sparkly soft eyes, beautiful smile and dimples really made Jisung swoon.

Oh god, he is gorgeous...

Jisung's heart started racing when Chan walked closer and he caught a whiff of his perfume.

"Let's have a better introduction." how can that guy smile so wide all the time?

"I am Bang Chan, also know as CB97, one of the 4 producers of JYPE second unit." he held out his hand to Jisung and younger sniffed disdainfully at his predicament.

"I am Han Jisung, an intern of the third unit." he mumbled back, putting his hand in Chan's bigger one, which engulfed his in a warm envelope that sent a shiver down his spine.

"Nice to meet you, Jisung. I have a heard a lot about you from Changbin." someone tell this guy to smile less, he is literally glowing.

"All bad things I guess?" he really hadn't meant to, but the words escaped his mouth without a second thought.

Chan laughed.

Great, now he is laughing at me...

"Unsurprisingly no. He likes you a lot. Man hasn't shut up once about how talented and dedicated you are." Jisung wanted to melt to the floor and stay there.

"Really?" he couldn't keep the shock out of his voice. Considering his bitchy and bratty behavior towards Changbin, he hadn't expected much from the elder. But once again, Seo Changbin left him speechless by being the man of principles while Jisung was too stuck up on his childishness.

"Yeah, he begged me to help you because he didn't want you to get eliminated." Chan confessed, sitting down on his chair in front of the desk with the computer and equipments laid over it neatly.

Jisung slapped his forehead in guilt

"Ohh..." he clumsily occupied the other chair when Chan smiled at him gently and motioned for him to take a seat.

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