Sick - Minchan

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"Channie hyung?" A small voice was heard from behind Chan, who was busy fiddling with his laptop charger, untangling them to charge his almost dead precious baby. His ears stood up on end when he heard the fragile voice though, his worry jumping out as he swivelled his chair around and met eyes with a timid Minho, standing right at the threshold of his bedroom he shared with Felix.

The boy didn't look very good, which was weird because Minho looked good everytime everywhere.

"What's wrong, Minho?" He asked softly, holding out his hand to the boy to urge him inside the room. The said male sniffled and stepped inside, his shoulders dropped and his eyes downcast.

"I don't feel so good." He said hoarsely, his voice still very small and quiet that had Chan leaning forward to catch his words. A frown pulled at the leader's brows, his mind racing with the possibility as to why his last kid wasn't feeling well. Could be the weather, of course, but still, Minho didn't come over to him for such small problems. The boy was very very independent and for him to come over for help, that too to Chan, in such a distressed state, make the eldest anxious.

"What's wrong?" He asked again. "Are you hurt? Sick? Fever?" Minho shook his head, his hand, which Chan noticed was trembling, came up to rest on his chest. He rubbed it a couple of times, tears welling up in his eyes suddenly. The eldest felt his heart drop to the ground at that.

Minho never cried.

The last time he cried was 3yrs back during his elimination.

With the comeback around the corner, Chan had expected his members to feel sick with exhaustion, or get overwhelmed, but he had never expected Minho to be so agonised all of a sudden. It threw him off guard. Minho was probably the strongest member of the group, not just mentally but also emotionally, even more than Chan. He was unfazed by every obstacle his way, he kept going like a fucking bulldozer, nothing ever bothered him. He was a force to be reckoned. He was strong, level-headed, responsible and very smart. And to see him reduced to tears so unexplainably and unexpectedly really really hurt the eldest.

"Min, baby, what's wrong? Tell me, hyung will help." Chan jumped to his feet and strode over to his second's eldest member, his last kid.

"I don't know." Minho sobbed, his tears falling freely now. His nose reddened immediately and his sparkly eyes were swimming with the tears that slipped over his cute chubby cheeks. "I just don't feel good. My chest hurts, it's hard to breath. I don't fell good, Channie." His words were slurring now, his body skating and swaying.

Chan spurred into action, wrapping his arms around the boy and pulling him close to stabilise him. Minho collapsed on his chest, sobbing hard and gasping for breath. Through the years of training and idol life, the eldest could now tell his baby was hyperventilating and maybe even having a panic attack. It made his heart race in anxiety.

"Minho? Baby? Please, don't cry, you will make it worse." He begged the boy, pulling back to wipe his tears off his beautiful face. The younger clutched his shirt and ducked his head, shoulder shaking with small weeps as he exhaled and inhaled sharply. Difficulty in breathing, he was definitely having a panic attack, a small one at that maybe.

Chan guided the gasping boy to his bed, sitting on it and pulling him on his lap. He rested his back against the headboard and took Minho with him.

"Shh, baby. Don't hyperventilate. I am here, ok? I am here to help. Tell me, what's wrong." His words were as soothing as he could make them, with the worry and fear running in his veins. He raised his knees, Minho laying in between them. The younger had his head on the elder"s chest, his small hands trying to hold onto his anchor for the moment, while Chan started stroking his dongsaeng's hair to comfort him.

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