Date - Hyunho

382 11 61

"Fuck him. I will bloody kill him, don't you worry. How dare he? Stupid stinky ass...." Felix kept ranting and blowing off his steam as Minho ducked his head and rushed over to the parking lot of the restaurant he had just left to grab a cigarette across the road.

The rain was pouring down hard within seconds as the brunet sighed in exhaustion.

There was a curtain of blur outside now, with the fresh smell of mud and some playful screams as people started running around in different direction to escape the shower of water.

His brother kept yapping across the call, his deep voice going high in agitation and anger as he fought with non-existential forces on behalf of Minho. It made the dancer smile in adoration, or at least as much smile as he could muster on such a crappy evening.

He was supposed to go on a dinner date.

With one of their fast friend, Joon woo.

And he set Minho up.


To say that he was angry and disappointed would be an understatement. He was practically livid. And Felix shared the same emotions as he practically growled down the phone that he will find the bastard and bury him alive.

"I don't have experience with murder but I have read and seen so many helpful guides, hyung. Leave it to me. That ass won't see what's one to him. How could he do this to you? TO YOU???" He was talking away in a promising tone that really elicited a loud laugh from Minho.

"Yeah, Lix. I get it. You are sad for me, you are furious at that pest and you are planning torture methods. Good luck with that." A stupid grin was plastered on his face as he heard his lil brother sigh on the other end of the call. He understood his distress though, if someone stood up his baby, he would have gone berserk on them too.

"This is so wrong. I really don't get that snake. Why did he do this? Fucking wimp with a tiny ass duck that I will chop off tomorrow."

"Felix!! Oh god, baby go to sleep, please." Minho admonished but with a teasing tone nevertheless, finding his brother very amusing.

"Are you coming back right now?" The younger asked, shuffling around in the a ground which meant he was most likely getting ready for bed.

"I am in the parking lot. I will leave now. But don't wait up for me, it will take me a couple of hours to get back with this rain." The restaurant was very far from their home—which only made him madder because fuck, he came so far for that stupid dick only to get set up as a joke?—and with the heavy storm building up at the moment, Minho was reluctant to go out just yet.

"Ok, I will go sleep now, but wake me up when you get back." Felix commanded childishly. "With cuddles." He added as an afterthought and it made Minho smile warmly.

"Of course, baby. Off to sleep now. You have morning classes tomorrow."

"Yeah, hyung. Good night, drive safely." The freckled boy bid his goodbyes finally, just as Minho caught sight of another presence in the parking lot.

"Good night, baby. Be back soon." He cut the call after hearing his brother's soft giggle, that really melted his heart and cleared away his stress, before tilting his head to the side, watching the male across him.

He was tall, with longish wavy blonde hair that farmed his handsome face perfectly. His lean body was covered in a leather outfit, most likely out for some sort of fun night. But his expression and actions signified anything but fun.

His gorgeous face was twisted in a frown, his sharp eyes looking slightly teary and his plump lips getting molested by his teeth as he stood tensed in the area, beside a pillar.

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