Produce - Chansung (Part 1)

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Non-idol Au, wherein Jisung has a writer's block and Chan is pretty much ready to help.... In more ways that one.

- 1490 words


Han Jisung was frustrated.

It was the second week of music submission and he had nothing prepared.

He was so doomed.

His phone kept flashing with messages from Changbin but he ignored it and held his head in his hands in desperation.

What do I do now??


He banged his head against the desk and then stayed in the slumped position for a long time, willing the infuriating tears to subside. It was honestly the end of his life now. He was fucking finished. He will end up on the streets with depression in his bones. He was ruined...

They will kick him out.

He will never achieve his dream of becoming a producer and composer

He was done.

Why the fuck...

"What do you want?" he snapped when Changbin's call came through for the 6th time.

"Don't be such a bitch Hanji. I am just here to help." that stupidly amazing producer with his stupidly amazing skills that really made Jisung stupidly mad, spoke up in that light teasing voice of his.

"How so?" Han's voice was defeated, his demeanor anxious and afraid.

"I told Seojun hyung that your deadline should be extended till the weekend because you were busy with some family problems. He gave in and now you have three more days to work on your project. Say 'Thank you Changbinnie'." Jisung scowled heavily and smacked his forehead.

"You dumbass. Its not the deadline that's the problem. Its me. Do you really think I care about deadlines? I can create music with just my fingers and write masterpiece within minutes. The problem is that I can't write." he snarled in annoyance.

Ehhh why was he surrounded with such dense people?

He needs someone smart in his life for once.

"Ayy hey, I solved that too. I asked Chan hyung and he has agreed to help you without letting anyone know. You really don't have any faith me in Han-ah." Changbin's tone was too mocking for Jisung's liking but he was also intrigued now that he needed help. In addition, the mention of 'Chan' had his hackles raised.

"Chan hyung? Chan hyung as in CB97 who owns the majority of JYPE artists' song credits? THAT Chan hyung?" his voice rose conveniently as the thought struck his sluggish brain.

"Yeah, of course, there are no other Chan I know." Changbin sounded smug now and Jisung wondered why no such technology had been invented yet to punch someone through the phone.

"How do you even know him? He is a certified producer and composer of 5 years, you are still an intern like me." secretly, Jisung was miffed that Changbin knew such prominent figure while Jisung was the one to talk to the janitor for company because no one wanted to talk with him.

"We have been friends since highschool but he got accepted into an internship in Australia, hence how he joined the music industry way before me, who graduated first and then got accepted in JYPE." Wow, lucky bitch.

Jisung was crying inside.

"Ahh... ok..." he trailed off awkwardly and pinched the bridge of his nose in exhaustion.

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