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The area was a virtual battle ground. There were bodies lying everywhere. Some were severely injured, while others lay lifeless.

The fiery portal I just came through lead me to a green meadow at the center of a private property owned by the Frost Moon pack.

Whiffs, along with their recently added members from conquered packs, dominated the scene as they either incapacitated or outright killed one Lycan after the other. I was told I was needed here by Carina who was able to locate the Alpha who recently lost his Luna.

The Whiffs launched another attack on the largest Lycan pack in our area, but having lost their Luna in a previous encounter, the Alpha was in no condition to keep fighting especially since he was also heavily wounded from the last attack.

I was sent by my coven to ensure the safety of the entire pack, and to check as well if their Alpha was indeed the mate I was destined to find. Alongside me and Carina, were the most experienced Mages of our coven to help protect as well as heal the wounded Lycans of the said pack.

"Glare? You're floating!" Dave called to me as I floated past several Lycans and Whiffs engaged in battle. He just knocked a Whiff out cold with his bare hands as I passed by him. Surprised that I was even at the same location as he was, he none-the-less noticed my arrival.

"Dave? What are you... where's the Alpha!"

"There, in the middle of the meadow. Please help him!"

I wasted no time teleporting to the area he pointed, and in seconds I got a sudden jolt of electricity when his scent wafted towards me. He smelled a lot like hot whipped chocolate with mallows. Sensual, comforting, and strong.

I reached the area just as the Whiffs surrounded a figure whose back was turned to me. He was in his half wolf state, but he was a massive being. His arms were like tree trunks, and his claws that shined in the darkness were black deadly weapons. Three Whiffs fell fatally wounded near his feet, but there were two other Whiffs with silver tipped knives attacking him repeatedly.

"Enough!" I commanded, and immediately both Whiffs were rendered immobile, their hands suspended as they were in the process of further wounding the Alpha. I floated towards the figures in the midst of battle, and made the two Whiffs feel intense pain from their hearts as I crushed their windpipes with my mind. Their knives fell from their grasps as they fell unconscious but still alive on the cold, wet, mud.

"Alpha!" I exclaimed as the wounded Lycan fell tired and severely wounded. I immediately rushed to his side, just as Dave arrived to assist me. I turned the unconscious figure around, and was shocked to find that it was the boy who offered me his hanky, and defended me against some bullies way back in boarding school.

"It's you! I finally found you." I whispered with a smile. I stroked his wavy black hair away from his closed eyes as I cradled his tired and unconscious frame in my arms. I waved my right hand over each of his wounds, and they immediately vanished to my delight. He murmured lightly, and I was given a small sample of how low his voice was.

"You're safe now. I'm here. I will take the place of your Luna. I am Glare... I am your Penumbra." I kissed his forehead, and immediately felt my heart tighten with joy at finally having found my mate. I looked up to find Dave frowning at me, as he uncomfortably shifted from one foot to the other, standing over me and my Alpha.

"What's wrong?" I asked, unable to restrain myself from reacting to the frown that Dave was unsuccessful in hiding. He cleared his throat, unsure of how to answer me. Sensing his hesitation, I once again asked him. "What is it, Dave?"

"That's Ares Barrier, Alpha to the Frost Moon pack..." Dave began, "And older brother of Atlas, the man you first loved." Dave informed me.

Oh the irony of it all, must I take his brother as he has married my sister? Must I now offer my heart to the sibling of the man I once felt enamored of? Is this our destiny? To hurt and love at the same time. He will not like this one bit, I am certain of it. But my duty is to take the place of his brother's Luna, and though it may hurt him... it is something that I must do.

That I am certain of. That is my duty.

That is my destiny.

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