Four (BxB)

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He was everywhere. There was no escaping those gorgeous blue eyes and thick blonde hair that curled slightly. Even in my dreams, I saw him. Though, in my dreams we were in different positions than avoiding eye contact in the hallways. I was the one avoiding eye contact or even a glance in his direction. Nobody saw me. I was invisible to everyone except my sister. Being invisible wasn't an issue for me. Actually, I preferred it that way. Which is why I was absolutely shocked when I went to a party. My sister had dragged me out and pushed a cup in my hands before I could even think. Even amongst the drunk teens, I was invisible. The liquor burned my throat but it weakened the walls I had put up long ago.

I was forced out of the closet years ago. It was never my intent to come out in seventh grade but the popular guys somewhat knew. They baited me with someone who didn't mind kissing me for the 'prank'. Some part of me knew it was just a ploy but I couldn't help it. It wasn't that I was horny, of course I was, but it was the fact that I didn't want to be alone forever. For the entire eighth grade year, I was bullied and beat up. Out of self preservation, I put on some muscle before high school. Everyone knew there was a gay kid in high school but my nerdy self blended into the shadows. My black hair was messy and I practically lived in black ripped jeans. Headphones were in the entire time I was out of class and my eyes were permanently glued to the ground. Mostly to prevent me from tripping but also because I couldn't stand if anyone actually looked in my direction. Social anxiety was a real bitch.

Maybe it was my little emo soul but I desperately wanted to be home listening to my favorite music and blocking out the memories of my painful past. The loud music blaring from this house was not my cup of tea. The sweaty teenagers grinding on each other wasn't my choice of scenery. I pressed myself deeper into the corner and tugged my lip ring into my mouth, waiting for my sister to find me so I could we could leave. Somehow in the chaos of the whole night, I hadn't noticed my unrequited love sneak up on my and lean against the wall. I was too busy scanning the crowd for my sister that I didn't realize the blonde haired boy stand right next to me. That is, until I smelled his distinctive cologne. My head whipped around abruptly, damn near giving myself whiplash, as my lips parted slightly. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think or speak. The smirk on his face was lethal but hot. Those bright blue eyes shone from beneath the most stunningly thick lashes. My gaze flickered down to his kissable lips before snapping back to those remarkable eyes. "Why are You here sulking in a corner?" He asked in his usually husky voice.

Out of nervous habit, I messed up my hair some more and pulled my lip ring into my mouth. "Well I had hoped I would be invisible to everyone but I guess my plan failed," I quipped, trying to push as much confidence into my words. Aloof was my end goal but I don't think I was able to quite reach that.  My palms were sweating but I itched to talk to him more. I had a hard time pulling my eyes away from those lips. Resolving myself, I fixed my gaze to the ground where it stayed. "I'm just waiting for my sister to be done so we can leave," I mumbled, pointing to my drunk sister grinding on her friends and boyfriend.

"That's a shame," he replied, letting out a throaty chuckle. Did he really just? No chance in hell he meant what I thought he did. "By the way, you're not invisible. Everyone notices the depressed and friendless guy who listens to music constantly and sits in the parking lot at lunch. It's pretty hard not to notice the storm cloud that follows you everywhere."

"I'm not depressed," I countered swiftly. I wasn't depressed and if I was, I didn't know it. It was impossible to have a mental illness one was unaware of. Right? "I just prefer to be alone. Extroverts don't understand that. School sucks for introverts. Too many forced interactions that exhaust us by the end of the day. I'd rather save my energy." The half hearted shrug I used in hopes of getting him to move along didn't work. Instead it seemed to strengthen his end goal. I didn't know if I was ignorant to the realization of what he was planning or I was completely naive and blind to it. Regardless, my eyes widened in shock as he stepped in front of me

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