Nine (lesbian)

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    It was a loud party filled with drunk and sweaty teens yet somehow, instead of dancing, my friends and I were on the floor in a circle with a glass bottle in the middle. Spin the bottle was such an immature game yet here we were. For the life of me I couldn't figure out what they were so excited about. The likelihood that we were going to kiss someone of the same sex was very high considering it was mostly girls in the circle. I was raised very religiously which rubbed off on me considerably. Kissing another girl was disgusting to me. Revolting even.

    Hoping and praying that it wouldn't land on me, Emily spun the bottle. It landed on Sarah. Watching them kiss was weird. Most of me wanted to gag but a tiny part felt very oddly about the whole experience. It was a short lived kiss and both returned to their usual spots in the circle. Next was Kevin's turn. The bottle landed on Penny. Their kiss was short lived too but it didn't have the same effect on me as I watched. All of my friends clapped and hollered because we all knew Penny had a thing for Kevin the second he moved here. Like the last two times, I hoped and prayed the bottle wouldn't land on me as Jess spun. Those prayers were not answered.

    Jess was easily the most attractive one in our friend group. If I were a guy, I would totally try to get her into bed. Her beauty was striking in a subdued sort of way but she moved with such grace and elegance that it was impossible not to notice her. I couldn't understand why she rejected so many men. She was never impolite about it but she never tried to pursue further interactions with them. Jess was basically an angel in every sense of the term. Why god decided to pair us up, I would never know. But the bottle landed on me. I had to deal with the consequences of my actions. Those actions that led me to sit down in this circle. I couldn't say no without coming across as homophobic to my friends. It wasn't that I was homophobic, I just personally wouldn't chose to partake in those relationships.

    With all the elegance in the world, Jess moved across the circle to me. In a moment of utter panic, I completely froze. She took my hesitation as an invitation. With one hand wrapped around the back of my neck, she brought those soft lips down to mine. It took a second but I hesitantly responded. My lips moved with hers gently at first. Then gathering intensity. I would never know what possessed me to grab her onto my lap. Forcing her to straddle my legs. My hand wound in her hair, pulling her closer to me. The kiss was passionate. A sort of need you know kiss. All the noise from the party died away. All I could think of and feel was her.

    She pulled away from me, breathing heavily with her eyes a few shades darker from when we started. I was breathing heavily too. Very heavily. None of this made sense to me and I was suddenly questioning my whole identity. She managed to do something no boy could ever do. Jess turned me on and made me want her so much. I watched while stifling a pout as she slid off my lap and returned to her spot. The game continued as if we didn't just share that moment. I watched Jess kiss Ryan and Mel but irrational jealousy swirled in my stomach. It nearly consumed me.

    Finally my friends tired of the game and I was permitted to leave the circle. Opting to go for another drink, I tried to inconspicuously slink over to the bar. Well, not bar but rather the counter where all the drinks were. If that counted as a bar then my bad. Unfortunately my attempts to become invisible were not successful as a hand wrapped around my arm. Maybe I was drunk because I just followed whoever was dragging me. It was like a reflex. It took a second for me to register that it was Jess dragging me and by that point, I didn't care. She navigated me through the packed bodies and brought me to a room on the second floor.

    The noise of the party died down a little as the door snapped shit. Very faintly, I heard her flip the lock. An inkling of fear shot through me but it was quickly caboshed when her hands made their way into my hair and she laid another passionate kiss on me. I responded instantaneously, my hands circling around her waist to drag her closer to me. Our mouths moved together in perfect synchronicity. Somehow her tongue made its way into my mouth. Wet but mostly satisfying. I didn't know how to react or respond to that maneuver but I did my best to keep up with her. Jess moved us back to her bed and ended up straddling me again. Just the feel of her on my lap was making me shiver.

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