Ten (milf)

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The sun was hot and beating down on my neck as sweat trailed down my chest. It was a long day and I couldn't wait to go home and shower off all the dirt. Landscaping was hard work but I loved the serenity it gave me. I barely had to think as I worked. Turning off my brain was a welcoming feeling. Home life was shit. College was hard. My girlfriend cheated, with my best friend no less. It was so cliche that it was laughable I didn't see it coming. And laugh, I did. When I found out and they both starting coming to me with bullshit excuses, all I could do was laugh. It wasn't an uncomfortable little chuckle either. It was a full on, knee slapping, cackle that didn't stop for almost twenty minutes. Every time I thought it stopped, one look at their faces and I just started all over again.

Today I was doing some work for an acquaintances mom. She was a friend of a friend of a friend so we barely crossed paths.  However when she asked for my help with her moms house, I happily accepted. The money was good and she didn't even ask for a discount which I was grateful for. I had no issues with a friends and family discount but of course that meant less money for me. I needed food and to pay for my courses. Plus the few nights a year I actually did something for myself. That was usually a movie unless my friends dragged me to a club. It wasn't my first choice but it made them happy so I went. A cool theater with a movie playing was perfect for me. The only other way I could turn my brain off was by absorbing myself in a show or movie. That was perfect for me. Especially alone. Introverts for the win, I guess.

I pulled my tank top off, showcasing my bare chest and washboard abs. My tanned skin was on full display, getting darker by the day. I loved that my Hispanic roots really showed on my skin during the summer. It was so typical to have a Hispanic gardener but I didn't mind that stereotype. Nobody bothered me because they knew what I was doing. Much to my amusement, I did get a lot of stares because I worked with my shirt off. The attention was something I adored primarily because I was glad I avoided the freshman fifteen. Just as I was finishing the lawn, my client came out of the house wearing a short skirt and a tight tank top. Denying she was beautiful was like denying that the sun was hot. That was something only crazy people didn't believe. Gemma was hot and looked about twenty years younger than she actually was. She didn't even have anything done. Just naturally beautiful and aging with grace.

I couldn't help but stare at her as she approached me. The sway in her hips was mesmerizing and I found myself getting lost in the movement, scanning her body for any imperfections just to rid the dirty thoughts from my mind. I couldn't find any. She was stunning and intoxicating. Almost shy, she handed me a glass of lemonade. Gemma and shy didn't even belong in the same sentence. Just the way she handed me the glass and just glanced at me from under her lashes was enough to make me stop breathing for a second. All I wanted was to grab her and hold her to my chest. Kiss her until her legs went weak. I couldn't make the first move ever. It was something I got teased relentlessly on. The fear of rejection was too high so I waited for them to tell me what they want. But I could face rejection from her if it meant I got to feel her warm body pressed against mine for a moment.

"Thank you," I said softly, taking the glass from her. The only thing she offered me was a small smile but it was beautiful. My only hope was that I didn't make her more uncomfortable. I couldn't bear it if she was scared of me and never wanted me around. She was smart, stunning, perfect in every way. I didn't even care that she was wealthy. That wasn't what I was interested in. She was what I wanted. Only her. All the money could burn and I would still want her. "Do you mind if I come inside to cool down, Miss?" I asked, my voice still as soft as before. It was forward of me to ask but I would do anything to extend my stay at the house. To extend my time with her. Thankfully she nodded and turned around to walk back to the house. I paused only to watch the way her ass moved as she walked. Adorably, she turned her head back to give me a coy little smile before reaching the front door.

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