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TW: Swearing


I sat down next to my dad and mom. Blitz was about to start the meeting. "Okay so I know that business has been kinda slow I'm not naming any names. Moxxie" I turned to my dad and he gave a very offended/confused look "so do we have any ideas on how to bring business back up again?" He asked. "How about a car wash!" Mom suggested "this is hell Milly no one cares about there cars." Blitz sighed "How about a bill board!" I yelled"that's an idea Y/N!" He yelled back "we can't afford a billboard sir" my dad sighed annoyed. "Great Moxxie really glad your in the room right now" Blitz said sarcastically. "Have you forgotten what services we provide?" Blitz asked as he turned on the TV. The screen showed Blitz hitting someone over the head with a hammer, Dad shooting someone, Loona biting someone's head off, mom cutting someone's head off and then me Drowning someone. "Good times" Blitz whispered. "I don't need reminding sir, considering you blew our salaries on an obnoxious TV ad last week, then you additionally paid to have it run for three hours on a TV channel that no one watches" Dad sighed "uh hey excuse me what's so obnoxious about a fun TV jingle, it's a fun distraction when an advertisement spitting bullshit" Blitz explained as we all sat down. "People love musicals" Mom smiled "exactly and we're basically doing a musical, you going to crush my musical theatre dreams like my dad did?" Blitz asked my dad in a dramatic voice "sir-" "because right now, all I see is my dad's asshole talking to me crushing my dreams of being who I truly am inside" Blitz Said dramatically. "Are you trying to crush his dreams Moxxie?" Mom asked "I- what?" Dad asked confused. "I thought I knew you" she giggled. "I can't believe you Moxxie after I made your child employee of the month!" Blitz announced in another dramatic tone. "Okay! Sir, I'm sorry but a commercial jingle isn't comparable to musical theatre, nobody actually likes the Jingle" Dad said raising his voice slightly "Dad I liked it and Mom did aswell" I smiled. "Do not- do not agree with him Infront of me" he said to me in a loud whisper. Blitz then proceeded to play the commercial which was then followed by the jingle. "I'd like to go on record and say that incident was Loonas fault. She was supposed to give us the right information on the target" my dad said through gritted teeth. "Oh sit on Dick Moxxie" she said. "YOU SIT! On.... On..... You uh DO YOUR JOB!" Dad yelled. "Hey we don't blame our screw ups on Loona! She didn't do anything wrong" Blitz said as he hugged her. She was visibly angry. "Sir are you kidding! She's awful" Dad yelled. "Look the point is Loona is a valuable member of family and we don't get rid of family" Blitz replied "This isn't a family! You're the boss, were the employees you treat her like she's some troubled teenager!" Loona started to flip him off as he continued to rant. "While we are on the subject of family, can you stop finding me, Y/N and Milly outside of work?" Dad asked fed up at the situation. "Come on honey it isn't that big of a deal" mom smiled. "I'm sorry, WHAT!" I yelled.

"Honey can you pass me the butter?" Dad asked. Mom nodded as she went to the fridge. "Spoiler alert the butters spoilt!" Blitz yelled from inside the fridge, Mom laughed at the joke. "What's so funny honey?" Dad asked. "Pretty impressive word play" Blitz smiled. "WHAT THE- HOW DID YOU GET IN OUR FRIDGE!?!?!" Dad yelled. "WHAT!" I yelled as I looked to see Blitz in the fridge

I woke up to a noise in the bedroom. I looked up to see Blitz staring at me. "Whatcha dreaming about?" He asked. "I was dreaming my parents were being murdered but now I'd like to go back to that" I sighed as I pulled the covers over my head.

"For all the imps in hell, it's for him/her that I fell oh Milly~" I had my ears covered, I didn't want to listen to that romantic crap- as I took my hands away my dad and mom Lent in for a kiss. I looked outside to see Blitz recording. "ARE YOU FUCKING FILMING US RIGHT NOW!" Dad yelled.

End of flashback:

"Just stop doing that" Dad said raising his voice slightly. "Listen I don't judge what you do, what is there something you don't want me to see?" He asked "No! Sir the way you think and act is totally INAPPROPRIATE!" dad yelled, "Dad Calm down! Your going to have another panic attack!" I yelled. "I AM CALM!" He yelled back. Mom hugged him and calmed him down. "Also, you're saying this like you're not breathing down my neck every five seconds while we're on a mission!" I yelled, "No I don't!" Dad said while sounding offended.


I was hiding behind a bush with a loaded gun aiming at our target. Suddenly Dad appeared behind me. "Y/N, remember to put on your sunscreen" Dad smiled, that caused me to loose focus and shoot the branch above the target, making them aware and they ran away. "Dad what the fuck!" I yelled

Another time I was getting ready to go out with some friends "Y/N? Where are you going?" Dad asked "out with F/N again" I answered. "Right well be back at 8" he said "it's half past 7!" I yelled "then you'd better get going" he said as he walked back into the kitchen.

I was with Blitz doing a mission when dad then grabbed the gun from my hands, "Dad what the-" "That kind of gun is to dangerous. Here" he smiled as he handed me an unloaded smaller gun. "Dad. It's a mission and I'm trying to shoot the target let me do it" I said sounding a little more annoyed. "I will not apologize for wanting to keep my daughter safe" he said "Christ in a stick Mox, I'll do it" Blitz sighed as he shot the target

End of flashback

"Let me do my Job" I said "I'm just protecting you" he said "there's a fine line between keeping me safe and being annoying" I said, "Y/N!" Mom yelled "Mom you agree you know do" I said, "she doesn't right Millie?" Moxxie asked. Mom looked away. "Millie!" Dad yelled sounding offended "Look I don't judge your boring couple stuff but don't judge me." Blitz replied. "Oh I am judging you Sir, quite alot actually" Dad replied. "Shit, Dad please he's our boss!" I yelled "no it's alright Y/N, Moxxies just, oh how do I say this without being offensive, Retarted" he smiled. "Does immaturely insulting me make you feel better about your sad single life?" Dad asked. "It actually does" Blitz replied. "The only reason you have a wife and child is because your easy to manage" Loona yelled at dad. "No he's not you Bitch!" Mom yelled "Do not talk to my receptionist that way she's sensitive!" Blitz yelled. "Yes I am!" Loona yelled back "The actual Fuck your not!" I yelled at her. "Your all fucking assholes" a voice said. We had shot a kid earlier and now he was talking. "Shut up kid your lucky to even witness this." Blitz yelled. "It's been a literal hell pretending to be paralyzed so you fuck shits won't kill me but now I want that! I want death" he announced. Then he pointed to blitz "you! Are a selfish greedy clown! And I'm a kid! We're supposed to like clowns even the creepy ones!" He yelled. My dad decided to get involved "hey now that's not very-" "If I wanted advice from a spineless jackass I'd rip out your spine and ask you some shit" the kid yelled, this upset my mum. "That's my husband your talking to!" She yelled the kid laughed. "That's your husband!?!?! I figured you for a slut, but I didn't know you needed dick that bad!" He replied. "Leave my parents out of this!" I yelled. "Hey here's an idea how about you pick up a hairbrush and then we'll talk you ugly, horrible peice of shit." He said back. "And you!" He pointed at Loona "what, what about me!" She yelled, "nothing, I don't talk to dogs, I'm a cat person" he smiled. "Wow kid you really are a piece of shit" Blitz said as we all agreed, then Loona got a text. "Oh fuck! Guys I just got a text from our clients, turns out he's the right target after all!" She smiled. "Who?" "Him" "me!?!" "Yep" "they wanted us to kill an actual child?" Blitz asked. "that's what they're saying." Loona smiled. "well Christ on a stick I guess there is a God!" Blitz yelled as he shot the kid.

helluva boss (Moxxie and Millies Daughter) (no ships)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz