Exes and Oohs

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I was sitting in the office when Mom kicked down the door. She was very pissed. "Mom everything okay?" I asked "yeah...just. bumped into an Ex." She replied "oh! Oh." Dad Replied. "He just kept going on about how he has money now! And a bright future and a bigger cock!" She yelled "wait what?" Dad asked in confusion "EVERY TIME I SEE HIS STUPID FACE I JUST NEED TO-" she then proceeded to punch a filing cabinet over just as Blitz walked in. "What the fuck is all this noise?!? I've got a client!" He yelled as Dad saw the photos that were on the floor. "RESEARCH FOR SIENCE! Put it back correctly okay?" He said as he left. Suddenly a helicopter broke the wall open! "Satens Ass crack enough with the walls shit WE HAVE A DOOR!" Blitz yelled at the helecoptor. "That's coming out of my paycheck" I mumbled. Then all of Blitz questionable photos flew out and onto the streets! "MY RESEARCH!!!" Blitz yelled as little kids found it and now they're scarred for life. The helecoptor opened and we got in.

We flew over the area we'd be meeting our client in. Dad absolutely hated it. And then when we landed he was terrified! When we got out an older man walked out. "There he is! There's my boy. Get over here and give your daddy a hug" he smiled at dad. "Daddy?" Me, Blitz and Mom asked. "I only let Moxxie call me that. Unless you pay me" he laughed, "guys uh this is Farther Crimson. Sir this is my Boss Blitz and my Daughter Y/N and my Wife-" "Milly" mom smiled as I Akwardly waved. Bad vibes from this guy already. And after that whole Striker situation I don't trust new people easily. "Mox where have you been hiding this pretty little thing" he smiled. Then he turned to me. "And you must be my Granddaughter" he smiled "that would be me" I smiled back. "heard your quite the assassin" he smiled. "Who've you heard that from?" I asked "around" he smiled as he began to talk to Blitz. Judging by the look on dad's face this guy is someone I couldn't trust. we walked inside the mansion and the doors shut behind us.

We sat inside the living room and I sat in between Mom and Dad. "Why are we here. Sir." Dad asked "Moxxie. I raised you better than that. Besides we're still waiting on one more" he said to us. Then the door swung open and in came a shark guy who was setting off so many red flags. "CHAZ!?!" Mom and Dad yelled. "Wait. What?" They both said "you know him?" Dad asked "you remember that Ex I was talking about?" Mom asked as he walked over and hugged mom and dad. It's safe to assume that he was both of their ex's. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?! THERE'S SOMEBODY WHO'S FUCKED BOTH OF YOU!?!" Blitz yelled. "I agree with Blitz what the actual fuck" I said feeling a little disgusted. "It was a long time ago" dad said as he folded his arms. "I remember it like it was yesterday" Chaz said dramatically as he started going into detail. "okay! We get it! You fucked. Leave it there please" I said to him. "sounds like someones jealous" he smirked as I held up a middle finger. All my red flags where going off at this one guy and my Grandpa. I don't trust this place. Then Blitz had a slight appifony and realized that Dad was in the mafia! Dad talked about how he met Chaz. And to sum it up. He met Chaz from across the room and then they shared a Grenade romance. They dated and then they robbed a bank but he left dad to be arrested and he met Blitz. This made me very pissed at Chaz. And Mom. So I handed Kom my knife and she jumped at him. Only for Dad and Blitz to hold her back.

Dinner was very weird. We were mostly quiet and I just wanted to leave. But then Blitz spoke up. "I suppose you want to know why your here" Crimson replied. "Yeah why are we here?" I asked. "I don't want to do business with I.M.P I want to do business with Moxxie." Crimson said. "Me!?!" Dad yelled "yeah kid. I summoned
I M.P to be sure you'd show. Cause well we're bringing Chaz Into the family." He said. "What?" Dad asked in confusion. "Come on Mox. You had responsibilitys I had to pick up once you left." Crimson said as his tone got even angrier. Now Chaz is going to lighten the load" "wait. I thought you always hated his guts" Dad said to him "well I wouldn't say I hated him-" "you called him a freindless horse fucker and said he lived a sissy lifestyle" Dad argued. "Well I was wrong, you've been gone a long time Mox. A man can change. And so has Chaz" Crimson said to him "yeah I've grown , matured and recently came into millions" Chaz smiled. Everyone started talking about a ceremony and arguments started. I stayed until mom pulled out her knife. We were shown our rooms and that was that.

As soon as I was left in my room I sat on the giant bed. Then I saw a portrait of dad when he was a child with a woman and Crimson. Was that Grandma? I didn't trust this place at all. After half an hour I heard knocking on my door. I opened it and it was Chaz. "The fuck do you want?" I asked in an annoyed tone. He stepped inside "I just want to feel your body baby" he smirked "I'm so much younger than you- your disgusting" I said to him. Then he had the nerve to put his hand under my chin and lifted my face up. "don't resit it you want to see what your parents-" I held a knife to his throat. "Out before I slit your throat" I said to him. He quickly left. Once he had left I locked my door. "I can see why dad hates it here" I mumbled. I was slightly scared of what could've happened if I didn't have my knife.

The next morning I wasn't able to sleep all night because I was scared he'd come back. Then when we walked downstairs Blitz wasn't there. Chaz smirked at me and I shot him a death glare. We were told that Blitz was outside and we decided to look for him. We were outside and we couldn't find him. Until I saw the trunk of a car moving! Mom opened it and there he was! "Oh you two. You found me! And your friends" he smiled "freinds?" Ok asked then I realized. Mom took the one on the right and I took the left. That's when we found out. Chaz was about To marry Dad! We ran towards the entrance to stop it but it was locked! "Those dicks locked us out!" I yelled In frustration. Then Blitz realized he had Chaz's keys. We got into the car ready to crash a wedding.

We crashed through the wall "I OBJECT" Blitz yelled. Me and Mom jumped out. Ready to murder. No one messes with my Dad and gets away with it. we each took half. I pulled out my knife and stabbed a guy, the. I dodged a gunshot to the head and killed him. Then I stole his gun began shooting around and at every person but my mom in sight! then I grabbed my knife and threw it at Chaz! He messed with me and my parents. He's dead. Mom took Dad back and I shoved one of those Dicks in his mouth as we began to run. "By the way Chaz isn't even rich! Check his car!" Blitz yelled as we ran towards the helecoptor.

When we arrived mom and dad hugged eachother and Blitz announced that he fucked Chaz. Yep this was my family. And I fucking love them.

helluva boss (Moxxie and Millies Daughter) (no ships)Where stories live. Discover now