Western energy

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Small A/N:

This means singing in certain parts.

Loona was getting her Shots today and because I didn't want to deal with the hospital and the car ride there I wasn't in the car. I was just walking around the city as my day off, I had just gotten a coffee (I know I'm not a coffee person but I'm trying it again) then a familiar burning horse rode by knocking my coffee out of my hands! I then looked to see who it was and it was Striker with Stolas tied up in the back! "Hello Y/N!" Stolas yelled as he rode away. "What the fuck!" I yelled as I grabbed my phone and started to chase after them. I called my dad.
"Y/N? Now's not a good-"

"Dad did Stolas call about being kidnapped by Striker?"

"How did you know? Me and your mother were about to jump out of the car to get him now"

"Well I just saw them pass! I'm going after them. I've got a score to settle"

"We'll meet you there just don't do anything-"

I hung up.

Moxxie POV:

Y/N hung up. "Stupid that'll get you hurt" I finished quietly as Blitz pulled up to the hospital

I put my phone back in my pocket and opened my bag to make sure I had all the necessary weapons. I had guns for days. "Striker I'm not letting you escape this time" I mumbled as I sped up.

I kept running and running towards the horse "FUCK! of all the days Stolas had to get kidnapped it was my fucking day off! Blitz owes me and extra day and of course it was fucking Striker!" I yelled as I kept chasing. Then Striker looked back and I ducked behind a building. He looked away and rode out of town. I quickly followed. We followed him towards the train and he managed to jump over somehow!?! I rolled my eyes and jumped into a train kart. It took me to this giant pit. I saw this smaller imp next to it, "hi do you know where a cowboy riding a flaming horse went?" I asked. "Striker-" "No singing! Please where is he?" I asked. The imp pointed Into the pit. "Okay, do I just jump?" I asked, he then pointed to a rope. "Got it" I smiled as I climbed down the rope. The rope took me to a well and I climbed out and now I was in an area I didn't know.

I then saw the horse on another train! I rolled my eyes and ran after them. "Damn my stamina is good so far" I Mumbled as I ran towards a cave. I looked down at the place below. "Damn he likes pits to double hell doesn't he?" I mumbled as I jumped. I managed to cling onto one of the tracks so I didn't fall all the way down but I was in a cave with lava everywhere. I think I found his lair. "SHUT THE FUCK UP I'M TRYING TO DO MY FUCKING JOB WITHOUT YOU COMING IN HERE AND SINGING ABOUT ME FOR THE MILLIONTH FUCKING TIME! LEAVE ME ALONE YOU FREAKS!" he yelled at those imps. "How does one get their own theme song?" Stolas asked.

Milly POV:
As Moxxie was beating up a bunch of guys I was asking people about Striker. I was hoping Y/N was okay. Striker wasn't easy to take down and Y/N is my child. I walked towards a group of small imps. "Howdy boys, have y'all seen this mother fucker riding around here?" I asked, "he's galloping-" "No singing just a yes or no please!" I yelled, "he lives out by the bad man's land. In the old train tunnel in the mineshaft. Say a girl that looked a bit like you and that guy over there asked the same thing earlier, she went there and is in there as we speak" he said. My eyes widened.

I looked down to see Stolas tied to the train tracks. Cliché much? "So my wife paid you for this huh? Would a holey bullet not have sufficed or can you not afford one of those" Stolas said to him. I looked down to see a giant statue of Striker with a noticeably giant dick. "She paid me to give you the royal treatment, she must really hate you" Striker smirked at him. "You have no idea...so train tracks. Bit cliché don't you think?" Stolas asked. "It's Classic" "is that giant statue of yourself also a classic or..." "Are you seriously judging me right now?" Striker asked. "I'm just impressed you seem to want to suck your own dick this badly" Stolas remarked. I held back my laughter. Then he went on his rant about the royals (despite him working for one...) Suddenly Striker stabbed Stolas in the shoulder! I grabbed my gun and jumped down there and hid behind the statue. "You seem to forget your working for a royal right now!" Stolas yelled kicking him back, then Striker broke his leg! "Blitzy handles me rougher than that in bed. Nice try" striker then he stabbed his leg! "Blitzy knife is bigger and cuts so much deeper" Stolas smirked. Then Striker grabbed him and held a knife to his throat! "Blitzy says far more dirtier things to me while holding sharper objects to my throat!" Stolas yelled. Striker stood up and was still facing away from me! I stood behind him and threw a knife at him. It skidded across his cheek leaving a cut. He looked back at me. "Alright dickhead how about round two?" I smirked.

"How'd you get down here lil Missy?" He said in a very threatening voice. "Would you believe me if I said singing imps?" I asked with a smirk on my face. "Those stupid- Well, this'll be your last day that's for sure!" He yelled as he lunged at me! I dodged and began shooting at him! He threw the knife at me and it got into my arm! I continued to fight through the pain because I couldn't let him win. Not again. After five minutes of fighting he grabbed my wrist and threw me down next to Stolas! "Alright any last worlds?" He asked. "Kiss. my. ass." I grinned. He then grabbed me around the neck and began strangling me! "Get off her!" Stolas yelled, "Like farther like Daughter your so fun to strangle" he grinned. I kicked him off and slowly stood up. "You shouldn't have gotten involved" Striker said to me as he plastered a grin on his face. "I'll deal with you later" he grinned as he tied me up with his lasso! "Fuck off!" I yelled as he walked towards Stolas. "Any last words Goisa?" He smirked. "Blitz...will-" "that rodeo clown ain't coming. No one ain't-" the phone went off. He went to take the call and I saw my knife. It was in the floor next to me. I slowly moved towards it and picked it up and began cutting the rope around me. Then "well...good news for you feathers. Your royal cunt says she don't want you dead no more. But she didn't say what condition you had to be in... and as for you. She didn't say nothin about you" he grinned as he held the knife to Stolas's face. "I think these reds might be a pretty trophy. Can't have you seeing me again can we?" He smirked as I managed to get out of the ropes! I grabbed it and threw it at him! He dodged and lunged at me! Suddenly we heard a car horn. Mom and Dad! "Y/N get Stolas into the van!" Mom yelled. I nodded slowly and ran towards him. I brought him into the van and lay him down as my parents continued fighting. "Stolas are you okay?" I asked "I will be, but what about you dear" he asked, "I'll be fine. I'm sure I'll get worse injuries later" I smirked as he closed his eyes and passed out.

Dad opened the car to see Stolas. "Oh crumbs we got to get you two to the hospital!" He yelled. "Dad I'm fine. Did you get him?" I asked as they started the car. "He got away again" Mom said as they began driving! "He what!?! I should have-" "it wasn't your fault honey!" Mom interrupted. "Let's just focus on getting to the hospital now!" Dad yelled

As soon as we arrived me and Stolas were dragged into the hospital room. I was taken to a separate room to Stolas. After an hour I was told I would have to stay the night.
"Y/N. You okay?" Dad asked as he and mom sat next to me. "I'm fine. Just pissed. We nearly had him!" I complained. "Y/N we'll get him. Just not now. For now just rest. You need it, we'll see you tomorrow" mom smiled as she and dad left. I pulled out my phone to see a text from Loona.

Heard what happened I hope your doing okay

Loona was my best friend. And just that simple text. Was enough to make me happy.

helluva boss (Moxxie and Millies Daughter) (no ships)Where stories live. Discover now