Unhappy Campers

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It was early morning. I was on my phone when I heard a tapping at my window. It was Blitz. I let him inside and he had a serious expression. "Y/N can I trust you?" He asked. "Where did this come from?" I asked. "Don't worry about it but can I?" He asked. "I guess yeah" I replied. "Cool let's go" he said as he left through the window again. "Where are we going?" I asked as I climbed out. "I'll explain on the way."


"Here's a good question. Why do you trust me with this and not Dad or Mom. They've worked a lot longer than me" I asked as we snuck towards a building. "Because you remind me of- someone. And I need someone's help and I trust you" he said as we began to climb up the drain pipe. We opened the window and slipped inside. "So why are we here again?" I whispered. Suddenly Blitz got Tazed! "The actual fuck!" I yelled at the woman who Tazed him. "Well if it isn't the dead beat, got someone to do your work for you now" she asked as she pointed at me. "Well if it isn't nurse Pussy face and no she's a friend" Blitz replied. "Where's Barb?" He asked. "who's Barb?" I asked despite him saying he'd explain along the way he didn't. "She checked out months ago. But that ain't none of your business" she scoffed. "If it's not our business then why tell us she check out?" I asked. "Where the fuck did she go?" Blitz asked "yeah like I'm gonna tell you asscloud." She said as she held up the Tazer. "You know we kill people for a living right?" Blitz asked. "Oh I'm so fucking scared." She scoffed as I made my way back to the window. "Blitz!" She called back. "She's got a job now. A life. Don't fuck it up" the nurse added. "Jesus take that advice and shove it right between your pussy-" he fell. "And you. Don't talk to a deadbeat like him." She scoffed. "That deadbeat is my Boss and a good friend. So piss off you monsters Inc reject" I said as I held up my middle fingers and climbed down.

We got in and there was a client. "Y/N just wait out here" he said as he brushed off what Dad said. "We'll talk about where you were later" Dad said to me. "Ask Blitz" I said as I pulled out my phone. Dad walked towards the office and then out of it looking very happy. Then Blitz swung the door open "Let's go Y/N!" He yelled as we ran towards the door. "By Mom by Dad!" I called as we left.

A few days later:

We walked into a shop and I had a knife behind my back. Blitz said we were doing some investigation on his sister. He wouldn't tell me anything else. So I'm just going along with it. "hi I'm looking for one of your employees her name is Barbie" Blitz said to the worker. "Who are you?" The worker asked. Blitz grabbed him and pinned him to the wall and I held my knife to his throat! "Someone who's about to get real creative if you don't tell him what he wants!" He yelled as I pressed the knife a little harder against his skin. "Where is she? Where is she fucknut." He asked as he slapped him with his tale. "It can get worse from here asshole I've got the knife and all" I said to him. "Okay! Okay! She's out on a pickup!" He yelled "where." Blitz ordered as he pulled him closer to him. I put my knife away as the guy told us what we needed.

Time skip:

By now it was a week. We used the book to get to teb surface We got to the surface and it was a summer camp. She was supposed to be in a boat house. We hid under the grass to avoid contact with humans. Then guess who I found. "Dad!?!" I whisper shouted. "Y/N!?!" He replied. "Blitz" Blitz replied. "What are you doing here?" I asked "working on that Job you gave me" he said to Blitz. "Christ in a stick you're still working on that?" He asked "dad it's been a week. I've had to stay the nights at Blitz's" I said looked through the bushes. "And what are you two doing here?" Dad asked "apparently finishing your Job" Blitz said. "You dragged me into this to help you find your sister or something" I said to him. Then Blitz kicked down the door! "Barbie!" He yelled, I looked at the girl in front of us. She was standing with a guy who looked like an everyday Joe. "Blitz!?!" She yelled in confusion. "You know her?" Dad asked "know her? That's my sister fuckface!" Blitz replied. "Wait how did Y/N get involved?" Dad asked "he just showed up. And what are you wearing- We'll talk later!" I said to him "what the fuck are you doing here?" Barbie asked "I should be asking you that you check yourself out of rehab, no call, no note. And I dragged my employee into helping me track you down to this shit hole! With- who the fuck is that?" Blitz asked. "No one. He works for me. Who's the cutie and the little twink?" She asked. "No one. They work for me" Blitz said as he covered us from her view. "Sir that's the client" Dad said as he pointed to her worker. "Oh shit barb looks like your boy toy got into some trouble" Blitz smirked "the fuck are you talking about?" Barbie asked "he killed our client so our client wants to kill him back" I shrugged. "You fucking what!?!" Barbie yelled "he found out about the drugs" "I don't want to fucking hear if kid. look. You're not killing my supplier." Barbie warned. Welp this will be difficult.

We all got closer to eachother. Barbie told us how easy it was to manipulate teen human boys. "Sir. I've spent a week solving this case. And I'm gonna end it. One way or another" Dad said as he held up his knife. "Don't you dare" Barbie said. Everyone began lunging at each other!

Cut to the end of the fight scene.

He was killed. We did it! "Saten fucking damnit! Thanks Alot Blitzo I'm out of a job!" She yelled "barb wait! I want to help you. Let me help you please. Your clean now. Let's grab dinner and catch up-" she began laughing. "You don't fucking get it. just because I'm out of rehab Doesn't mean I ever wanna see you. I never wanna see you. Ever!" She yelled as she opened a portal. "Next time you wanna find me Blitzo. Don't." She said as she disappeared. Wow. I can kind of see why I remind Blitz of her.

helluva boss (Moxxie and Millies Daughter) (no ships)Where stories live. Discover now