Murder Family

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Me and Mom decided to help dad with shooting practice, I placed a picture of a happy family down but he wouldn't stop shaking. "Moxxie, stop shaking your going to kill our only hellhound" Mom said as she gestured towards Loona. "Wow I feel so loved here" Loona said sarcastically. "So just take a deep breath and let it all out" I smiled. "But, it's a family! Under what circumstances would we ever have to kill a human family" Dad protested. "I mean if the client pays for it" I mumbled "I mean maybe a shitty dad or a mob family, that's understandable but it eradicate an innocent at the moment seemingly middle class family bloodline!?!" Dad yelled "HEY!  You don't know this family's innocent! This kid probably sets dogs on fire, this girl gets off to bullying Australian kids online and and this guy! This guy definitely watches" Lonna yelled. "Exactly! Humans are full of secret nastys which is why most of them end up here, Guilty and Innocent aren't our business Mox, killing who we're paid to is our business! Choose a target" Mom smiled. "But he does have a point when will we need to kill a human fami-" Blitz then swung open the door with our client "GUY'S SAY HELLO TO-" Suddenly dad pulled the trigger! The bullet went into the picture then bounced of the wall causing it to  knock over the eal tank, then it flew towards Blitz! But he caught it anyway, "our newest client" he said calmly. Suddenly the eals caused a fire! "DAMN IT MOXXIE I JUST BOUGHT THOSE EALS!" Blitz yelled.

We waited outside for the fire people to help put it out. I was standing with my parents as Blitz said goodbye to the client. "Bye! We'll get that skank in under 24 hours if not then your first kill if free!" He yelled as the taxi drove off. "Since when did we start implementing that policy?" Dad asked. Blitz turned to him smiling. "Since you set fire to my office Infront of a CLIENT YOU FUCKING DIPSHIT!"He yelled, "Now someone please tell me that fancy book is still intact!" He yelled at us. "You mean our only ticket to the other side? Yep got it" Loona replied holding the book. "And that's why your my favourite Loony, you get a tweat now" Blitz smiled I decided not to look. "Now let's go lick some ass!" Blitz yelled as the portal opened. "I believe it's kick some ass" I corrected "Y/N no one likes a know-it-all plus mines better" he said as he walked in. "Oh fuck" Dad sighed as he walked in. "Loona you coming?" I asked. "Nah, I'll see ya" she said walking off. I stepped through the portal and we arrived at a house.

We ran into the bushes, "okay is this her? Oh this is way to easy! Moxxie wanna take this one?" Blitz asked. "Wait- me?" He asked. "Yeah, this one should seem easy enough for you to handle" Blitz smiled as Dad looked through the window. His face shifted from excitement to horror. "A mother who just got out of the hospital" Blitz smiled "ya snooze ya loose Mox's Y/N? Want to do it?" Blitz asked. "Yeah!" I then looked at the target "oh my god I fucking jinxed it" I smirked as I pulled out a gun. "Aaaaaand I got you now bitch", I mumbled. "Wait! Are we really killing a family!?!" Dad yelled. "no! We're just ruining a family big difference" Blitz smiled. As I got ready to pull the trigger suddenly Dad hit my gun and I just missed! She knew I was there now... "Dad WHAT THE FUCK!" I whisper shouted at him. He was panting heavily "I...I'm sorry they just looked so wholesome and happy I....I panicked!" He whispered. "Who the fuck cares about-" suddenly a bullet was shot between Blitz and Dad! "Shit! A new hole! Scatter!" Blitz yelled and we all took off! I ended up following Blitz, "you go left I'll go right!" I yelled as we ran different directions, I darted through the woods and climbed up a tree. "Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit SHIT!" I mumbled in panic to myself. Suddenly I heard a loud bang! I looked behind me to see Martha Holding a tied up Blitz! "Where'd ya get off to little critter?" She laughed, "I know your out here somewhere" she taunted I Search my pockets for something to fight back with literally anything! I could only find a small knife. I took I a deep breath and jumped down. "There you are!" She yelled as she loaded the gun! She began to fire at me but I kept dodging! I was hoping if I got to Blitz I could hopefully get away! Then she got and the bullet skidded past my right eye! "Shit!" I yelled as I lunged at her holding my knife, she dodged me and then grabbed my neck! "Got the last one! Gonna send yall back to where u came from!" She yelled.

Me, Mom and Blitz were tied up to a bunch of wooden beams, Martha's husband was pouring gasoline on us. "I had the fucking shot damn it Dad!" I mumbled to myself. "Satan! We return your Filthy creatures back to hell! May the route of evil remain honoured as we continue thy work!" She yelled as she threw a light touch on the wooden beem. The fire speed and soon we were engulfed in the flames. But if didn't hurt, we're hell demons for fuck sake! "Yeah sorry lady but that doesn't work on us I mean I can try to fake it if that'll make your Dick hard" Blitz smirked. "Oh, shit. Well I'll just shoot you in your smartass mouth!" She yelled. "Yeah that'll work" Blitz smiled. "BLITZ!" Me and Mom yelled in synchronisation. We closed our eyes and waited to be shot. We heard a bang and I opened my eyes to see "DAD!" I yelled, "Moxxie!" Mom yelled. "Your not getting your god damn paycheck for this one!" Blitz yelled as Moxxie untied us. Dad ran to me and Mom giving us a big hug. "OH YEAH I'M FINE!" Blitz yelled "sorry sir are you alright?" Dad asked as he helped Blitz up. Blitz Whispered something in his ear that sounded unsettling and then we opened the portal. "One second I just need to get something I left at the house" he said as he ran off. After 10 minutes he came back.

We decided to supprise dad for murdering/ruining a family so we had a party! He looked very depressed the whole time-

helluva boss (Moxxie and Millies Daughter) (no ships)Where stories live. Discover now