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"M&M get in here we're going to looloo land!" Blitz yelled, "loo loo land?" Dad asked. "Loo Loo land!" Mom yelled "Loo Loo Land!" Blitz repeated. "Hold on don't we have a mission today though?" I asked "oh yeah, uhhhh well then Y/N today is your first Solo mission! Congratulations!" Blitz cheerd. "Oh yay!" I cheered back "No way! She's only 17!" Dad yelled "I'm basically an adult! Come on Dad it's one solo Mission!" I begged "come on Mox, she's basically a grown up besides who's the boss?" Blitz asked "you. You're the boss sir. Fine" he sighed. Blitz sent me the address and target and I grabbed my weapons and I was sent to the targets house.

I arrived in the living world. I was supposed to kill some rich basterd. We weren't told how he got rich all we knew was what he looked like and that he was rich. I got to the back of the building and transformed into my human disguise. Then I went towards the entrance. I was stopped by two guards, "sorry little girl but the boss isn't allowing Visitors" the first one smirked. I smiled to myself. "Oh. I don't care" I smiled as I shot the first one dead. The second one stood in fear as I shot him as well. "Ha! And dad thought I couldn't handle it" I smirked as I walked inside. I stepped inside and I was surrounded by guards! "Shit." I Muttered as one shot at me! I easily dodged "Damn you mother fuckers are shit at your job!" I yelled as I pulled out the knife mom makes me carry. I launched at the one shooting at me and I slight his throat. One one ran at me but i dodged they ran in front of me and I grabbed their hair and shot them in the head.  Then two ran at me from different sides! I dodged and grabbed both of their heads and smashed them together! Then stabbed both when they were on the floor unconscious. I looked at the last three left. One ran at me shooting. I kept dodging until he ran out of bullets. "Tell Blitz that Y/N say hi would ya?" I yelled as I shot him!

Blitzo POV:
I walked around loo loo land when a bodyguard I think? Ran up to me "uh have you seen a Blitz?" He asked "The O is silent, now what do you want and make it quick I have a job to do jackass." I said "uh a Y/N says hi?" He said then Moxxie ran over
"Y/N!?!?!" He yelled "yeah she's kicking our asses up there she's killed nearly everyone me included!" He yelled as he ran off. "See Moxxie, you should trust our daughter more" Millie smirked "yeah I guess" he responded as I went to find Stoles.

Y/N pov:
I finished up the last guy. I stared at the bloodbath I had just created. I wiped the blood off my face and kept walking. I kicked the door down to an empty office. "Let's make this quick shall we?" I yelled as I turned back into my demon form. Suddenly I felt a bullet go through my tail! "Shit!" I yelled as I fell to the floor. suddenly an older man approached me and smirked. "Your the demon that took down my whole staff? I knew they were useless but I never thought they'd be taken out by a little girl." He laughed. Suddenly I felt two arms pick me up. "Take her to testing, I want to understand what they are" he smirked.

I was taken to a testing room. I was strapped into a chair. I then realized why he was so rich. "I'll be down in a few" he sang as he closed the door. I started struggling to get out, but it was no use! But then I realised something, he didn't strap my tail! I used it to pick the locks of the straps (even though it was beyond painful! Hint hint the bullet hole!) I got out and then hid myself in the darkness. See the smart thing would be to get the fuck out but I've picked up some bad habits from Blitz. The man walked back in with a lab coat on. "Where did she go!" He yelled. I grabbed my knife and stood behind him "she's behind you bitch!" I yelled as I plunged the knife through him back! I pulled it out as he collapsed to the ground. The body gaurd who had taken me down here saw what happened and immediately ran towards me. Without even looking I shot him. "Couldn't handle it eh? This was so easy" I laughed as I walked away.

I called Loona "Hey Loona, just finished, can I come home?" I asked. "Okay" she sighed as a portal opened. I stepped through to see my parents looking exhausted! They saw the bullet hole in my tail and they freaked out! "I knew it was a bad idea!" Dad yelled "Dad I'm fine" I smirked "what the hell happened!?!" Mom yelled "well I ran in killed people then got shot in the tail and nearly experimented on but escaped then killed the target plus one bodyguard" I grinned. "What!" My dad yelled "Well Y/N I can say I'm proud of you!" Blitz smiled as he patted me on the back "Blitz her tail is bleeding!" Mom yelled. "I know, it's a battle scar" he smirked. "Sir I swear to god!" Dad yelled

helluva boss (Moxxie and Millies Daughter) (no ships)Where stories live. Discover now