fights and understandings

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This is a made up chapter, it is in no way cannon also I know this is rly bad so if this is cringe then I know.


I stood on the roof in the living world. Gun in my hand. I was on one of my solo missions. It was midnight in the human realm so I slipped into the targets room. I shot my target and got out.

"Welcome Back Y/N, I'm sure the mission went successfully?" Blitz asked as I sat down. "Yeah! It was surprisingly easy" I smiled "well that's good and also we have no more solos for you today so you can just have that day off I've owed you" he smiled "Done! Thanks Blitz! but if anything happens then you'll be owing me AGAIN!" I yelled as I walked out of the office.

As I stepped out I walked down towards that coffee shop again. Coffee was starting to grow on me. I got my coffee and took a deep breath. "Okay whenever I exit this shop with a coffee in my hand something usually goes wrong and my coffee is usually knocked out of my hands so hopefully today will be different" I said as I stepped out. I looked around causiously. "Okay nothing yet-" suddenly my coffee was knocked out of my hands "Oh for Fucks sake!" I yelled. I then turned to see two familer bitches. Harper and Hazel. These two had a tendency to bother me. "Aww look it's Y/N" Harper grinned as Hazel laughed. "Listen it's my day off the actual hell do you two horse fuckers want this time?" I asked "nothing, just passing through" Hazel smirked as her and Harper began to circle me. These two were bothering me since I was 13 and I haven't seen them in a good 3 years. Happiest three years of my life. "right well I'm on my day off so how about you both fuck off" I said "nah, being absolute bitches to you is fun" Harper smirked. "You have a Job now? Wow what is it? Rehab?" Hazel joked. "Actually I kill people for a living, recently got a promotion" I grinned. They both stopped and looked at me. "you kill people?" She asked. I the pointed my gun at her. "Yeah I've I've gotten pretty damn good at it so you two whores can suck some dick and I'll go back to my day off." I smiled as I walked away. "Always leaving the fight huh? Like your dad you're a stupid coward" Harper smirked. That did it I lunged at her and pulled her hair as Hazel backed away. "It's on Bitch" I smirked.

Moxxie POV:

"Sir, have you seen Y/N?" I asked, her birthday was next week and Me and Millie were planning. But Millie was out looking for stuff and I haven't seen her surprisingly. "not since I gave her that day off" I shrugged. "Day off? Well I guess she's earned it" I replied as I sat at one of the desks. Then I heard a news broadcast from Loonas phone. "Another fight has broken out near a local coffee shop, this time between One of the twins Harper Vs I.M.P employee known as Y/N" I immediately shot up and grabbed Loonas phone. It was definitely Y/N. "Fuck!" I yelled, then Millie walked in and saw, "yeah! Kick their asses!" She yelled "Millie!" I yelled "what? They're always bothering her" she replied. "yeah but she should just ignore them then they'll go away" I said "Moxxie, back when we stayed at that camp did you ignore the pieces of shit?" She asked. "Okay well that's different" I said as Looma snatched her phone back. "And I'm going out to get her." I said as I walked out the door.


Me and Harper were going for eachothers throats. I was grabbing her hair and pulling it aggressively. No one talks about my dad apart from me! She kicked me off and then jumped at me, I then kicked her off and punched her in the face! "My face! You whore!" She yelled "last time I checked your the one that slept with literally every guy in school" I smirked, then she lunged at me again, I immediately dodged and let her fall into the cold floor behind me. I laughed and then she got back up and punched me! My nose began to bleed. This bitch was not leaving without any injuries. "Y/N!" I heard my dad yell. I decided to pretend I didn't hear him and continued to fight. "Oh Y/N. Daddy's calling" Harper smirked. "Shut the fuck up about my dad!" I yelled as I pushed her to the floor and kicked her face. "My dad is not a coward! He is a good man and he's always looking out for us! Even if he comes across as weak you don't know him well enough!" I yelled as Hazel and Dad ran into the fight and broke us up.

I sat back in the I.M.P waiting room and Mom was congratulating me for finally beating up Harper. Dad remained silent. "Mox those two never leave her alone. She did the right thing" Mom smiled "so right it ended up on the news!?!" Dad asked "it what?" I asked, then Loona showed me. "Oh shit" I said. Once everyone but dad and I had left he sat next to me. "Dad i-" suddenly he gave me a hug. "Dad?" I asked "Y/N, did that fight start because you were trying to defend me?" He asked "yeah, your my dad no one can shit talk you but me" I said. "Y/N you didn't have to-" "no I had to, they had it fucking coming." I said as I folded my arms. "And I'm not saying they didn't. Just don't turn it into a public fight" he said as he face palmed. "Wait you're okay with it?" I asked "not really. But those two had it coming for years, and Hazel is just lucky you didn't get to her" he smiled as he playfully punched my shoulder. I smiled and hugged him.

helluva boss (Moxxie and Millies Daughter) (no ships)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon