821 11 11


Most of what's happening is just Y/N but this is all happening while this episode is taking place. Also there is one mention of R@pe in this chapter


"Dad for the last time I'm fine!" I yelled "it's unsafe!" He yelled back "I'm 17 I can handle it!" I yelled "that's the point!" "What's going on?" Mom asked. "dad's trying to get me to quit I.M.P" I explained. "Moxxie!" Mom yelled "Millie she got seriously hurt the last time and Striker nearly killed her. TWICE" he yelled. "Key word NEARLY. I'm fine" I said as I walked towards the door. "And where are you going?" Dad asked. "Getting out of here. I'm staying in I.M.P and that's final!" I yelled as I slammed the door.

"He just doesn't get it. I'm old enough for my own responsibilities." I mumbled to myself as I walked through the streets. Blitz had asked my Dad and me if I would like to try more Solo missions. And while I loved the idea my Dad didn't. As I walked through the streets I heard alot of commotion. I walked over to see Blitz and Fizzarolli having a fight! "Should I stop this? Nah." I shrugged as I continued to walk  as the streets became less crowded I felt like I was being watched. I turned my head at a shop window and I saw a group following me in the reflection. Shit. I knew how to deal with stuff like that. I walked into an Alley and ducked behind a dumpster. I saw one of the guys walk into the alley. They split up and we're after me. I grabbed my knife and stood up behind him. I grabbed the back of his shirt and threw him into the wall! I then held my knife against his neck and used my other hand to hold his arm. "Listen here dickhead. You're gonna tell me why you're following me. Or I'll gladly rip off your arm. Now spill" I whispered. "M...My Boss wants you!" He said In fear. "And your Boss is?" I asked. "Hey I answered your question-" I ripped off his arm and let him drop to the floor. "I'll repeat. Who is your boss?" I said as I kicked his side. Then I heard footsteps behind me! I turned and kicked him in the balls, then I grabbed my knife and took down the guy behind him! "Y'all are weak as fuck" I smirked. Thinking I had just taken down the gang. But the. Someone grabbed me! "Hey!" I yelled as they put a bag on my head! Then before I knew it everything went black.

When I woke up I was inside an office. "Ah Y/N your awake" a familiar voice smiled. Crimson. "Oh for fucks sake" I mumbled in annoyance as Crimson sat on the chair Infront of me. "Alright you old Dick you have one chance to tell me why I'm here and you didn't have to get your goons to stalk me!" I yelled. "I'm not sure you're in a position to talk. Seeing as we've got you tied to a chair" he smirked as he sat in his chair. "Fuck off." I said as I realized I was tied up. "listen to what he has to say bitch" a familiar cowboy voice said as a knife was held to my throat. "Oh fuck your here" I said in a very annoyed voice. "Y/N. Your my granddaughter. Correct?" He asked. "I wish I wasn't" I Mumbled. "Well, since you are and I've heard how great of an assassin you are" he continued. "Get to the point you old fuck" I said. "Join us Y/N." Crimson said to me. I froze. What the fuck. "Why would I do that?" I asked "the first time I met you. You tried to marry off my dad to his dick of an Ex who tried to fucking r@pe me that night by the way. Besides Dad told us about how you treated him." "the past is past Y/N. Join us. Besides we know you can handle things. Unlike your dad" He smirked. "How did you know about that?" I asked "your phone was going off like crazy with your dad trying to back up his argument" Striker sighed. "For fucks sake dad. Also why would I join when that mother fucker is involved" I said as I hinted at Striker. "This mother fucker is going to fucking end you if you keep this up" Striker threated as he pressed the knife to my skin. "Oh how kinky of you" I smirked making Striker immediately back away. "Oi. Cowboy. Let her be. Besides she probably needs time to consider" Crimson said as they all stood up and began leaving. "Oh and Y/N. Make the right decision" Crimson said as he closed the door and locked it. Leaving me all alone.

I sighed and looked at the chair I was tied to. Normal wooden chair with normal ropes. They seemed to forget about me always carrying a knife everywhere as I still felt it in my pocket. Idiots. I tried to move my hand towards my pocket. My arm wasn't moving the ropes were too strong. For Fucks sake. I guess there was only one option. I'm praying he didn't have security outside that door. I began rocking the chair until I fell backwards! The chair broke and I was free! I snuck towards the door and placed my ear against it. No one was there. I was in the clear! I saw a vent right above Crimsons desk. I grabbed a posted note and wrote:

'fuck you and your stupid Mafia'

And used my knife to get the Vent open. Once I climbed in I closed it back up and began crawling. "And dad said I can't handle shit" I mumbled as I crawled. Then as I was crawling the whole building collapsed! I managed to get out of the wreckage. With a broken phone so I couldn't text Dad. And with a lot of injuries. As I made my way to the car park I then saw Blitz! "Y/N!?! The fuck are you doing here?!?" He yelled. "got kidnapped by Crimson and Striker. I could ask you the same question" I replied as I ran towards him. "same. But Y/N this is Fiz my friend, Fiz this is Y/N my employee anyway we should get going-" suddenly Fiz was dragged away by a rope! "Fuck!" I yelled as I grabbed my Gun and Blitz grabbed his. "Get your FUCKING shit stained claws off him" Blitz yelled as Striker laughed. He was very unhinged. "you think I'm just gonna let you get away after this? I'm done losing these fights!" He yelled as he pointed the gun at Fizzarolli! "Okay is it bad that I'm getting hard right now?" Fizzarolli asked. "SHUT THE FUCK UP! WHY IS IT ALWAYS THE SEX STUFF!" He yelled. Suddenly Blitz shot a gas tank! Causing the whole area to blow up! Then Striker ran for it! "You're not getting away fuckface!" I yelled as I dodged the fire and ran after him!

I kept running for five fucking Minutes! But he was nowhere! I lost him again! "For fucks sake!" I yelled. I made my way back and found Blitz and Fizzarolli hugging. "alright you two let's go" I said. "did you find him?" Blitz asked. "No. He got away again!" I yelled. "Shit" Blitz replied as they got down. We made our way out of the fire zone and to safety.

I opened the door and walked in. "Y/N! Why didn't you answer my-" Dad stopped at the sight of my injuries. "Saten! What happened!?!" He yelled as he directed me to the couch. "Crimson. Striker. Kidnapped. Collapsed building. Alot happened" I said as I paused for breath. "This is why I don't trust you to be in I.M.P you keep getting-" "Dad. Listen to me. I'm 17. I'm still here and this time this wasn't an I.M.P mission. I can handle myself. Besides Blitz won't let me leave and we both know that. Please trust me" I said to him. We sat in silence for a minute before he sighed. "One chance." He smiled. "thank you dad!" I smiled as I hugged him. "No problem. Just be careful okay? You're my child" he smiled. "I promise-" "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOU" Mom yelled at the sight of my injuries. This'll be a long night.

helluva boss (Moxxie and Millies Daughter) (no ships)Where stories live. Discover now