Chapter Nine

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The royal carriage was filled with an easy silence, the King and Queen sat on one side of the carriage, on the other side sat Rhaenyra, Unwin, Alicent with Ilaria in her lap, and a nursemaid with Aegon in her arms

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The royal carriage was filled with an easy silence, the King and Queen sat on one side of the carriage, on the other side sat Rhaenyra, Unwin, Alicent with Ilaria in her lap, and a nursemaid with Aegon in her arms.

"Well isn't this splendid." Viserys spoke. "The whole of our family off to celebration and adventure in the Kingswood."

The carriage shook following the King's words as they drove over a hole in the road,  a sharp pain flooded Enora's being. Viserys leaned forward at the look of pain on his wife's face, taking her hand in his. The brunette squeezed her husband's hand in an attempt to distract from the passing pain.

"I am alright, my love." Enora whispered, letting go of Viserys' hand.

"Should you be traveling in such condition?" Rhaenyra asked, a hint of concern filling her voice.

"The Maester said that being out in nature would do me well." Enora smiled softly at the princess. "And besides, I couldn't miss Aegon's second name day."

"You should ride out with me today." Viserys spoke, hopeful to spend time with his eldest child. "Join in the chase."

"I'd rather not. Boars squeal like children when they're being slaughtered. I find it discomforting." Rhaenyra dismissed, not believing her father truly wished to spend time with her.

"It's a hunt, Rhaenyra. How would you like to participate?"

Enora could feel a headache beginning at the argument brewing between the two dragons before her. She looked to where Alicent and the nursemaid sat, trying to distract the children.

"I'm not sure why I must."

"Because you are my daughter, the Princess, and you have duties." The Princess muttered something under her breath in response. "I'm sorry?"

"As I am ceaselessly reminded."

"You wouldn't need to be reminded if you ever attended to them."

"No one's here for me."

"If that is how you feel, but I would love for you to join me in sitting with the Ladies of the court. I would enjoy your sharp wit and sense of humor." Enora smiled at her stepdaughter, she hoped Rhaenyra would join her and Alicent.


Enora was not made for the small talk of court, she was not prepared for the uncaring way some of these women spoke of their husbands and children. None more than Lady Ciera Lannister, the way she spoke of her daughter-in-law's kidnapping made Enora feel ill. The Queen held her youngest son close to her chest, hoping to bring herself comfort.

"Lady Johana was reported to be abducted when one of Lord Swann's ships sailed through the Stepstones."

"What will happen to Lady Johanna?" Alicent asked from the edge of her seat beside her sister, Ilaria sleeping in her lap.

"She's to be sold to a pillow house in the Free Cities if you believe the rumors."

The women's attention was stolen from Lady Ciera by a limping man entering the circle the Ladies had formed around their queen. "I fear the gods did not make me for hunting. Might I sit with you, my ladies?"

"Of course, please join us," Enora gestured to an empty seat beside her own. "Larys Strong, the youngest son of our Master of Law, Lord Lyonel."

"My Lord husband says that no King has ever been able to tame the Stepstones for long," A Lady from a House Enora had forgotten, spoke. "It's an inhospitable place suited only for savages."

"Perhaps the Princess can give us some insight, "Lady Ceira spoke, drawing everyone's attention to where Rhaenyra stood.

"I'm not sure how I could," Rhaenyra chuckled, stepping forward. "I've never been to the Stepstones."

"Your dear uncle is the great mind behind this war. Is he not?"

"I wouldn't know. I've not spoken to Daemon in years."

"Since you supplanted him as heir."

"Daemon made his choices, Lady Ceira. The Princess was more suited to the role." The Queen spoke, silencing Lady Ceira.

"He's made a mess and the King must put an end to it," An older lady wearing a red dress with a small dog sitting on her lap spoke up. "Send fleets and men and clear out the triarchy for good."

"But the Crown is not at war."

"The crown is at war, Princess. Though the king refuses to admit it, we've been dragged into it by Prince Daemon and the Sea Snake."

"And how have you served the Realm of late, Lady Redwyne?" Princess Rhaenyra spoke, examining her nails. "By eating cake?"

A large grin spread across Enora's lips, as she attempted to stifle her laughter. "Will you join us, Rhaenyra? If only for a moment?"

Rhaenyra looked at the rest of the noble women, it was clear on their faces that they didn't wish for Rhaenyra to join them. But then Enora seemed so eager for Rhaenyra's company, what harm would it do to spend time with her stepmother for a moment. The woman was not heinous, in fact she was quite kind. If Rhaenyra was not still mourning her mother and fearful of being supplanted she could almost see the two of them being close.

"Come, sit." Enora scooted over to the edge of the settee, making room for Rhaenyra between her and Alicent. Rhaenyra found herself moving closer without a thought, and taking her seat between the two Hightower women. Pudgy arms reached out to her, as Aegon squirmed in his mother's grasp. "It seems he wants you, is that alright?"

Rhaenyra nodded, opening her arms for the small toddler. The boy happily crawled onto Rhaenyra's lap, reaching a tiny hand out and grasping the ends of her hair. Rhaenyra giggled as he brought a fistful of her hair to his mouth.

"It appears he is hungry." Rhaenyra whispered to her stepmother.

"Aegon, that is not food." Enora chuckled. "I am sorry Rhaenyra, you really can't expect manners from men. That is why a queen is best."

Rhaenyra's eyes locked on her stepmother's green ones. This close Enora could begin to see Viserys in the Princess's features. Enora looked to the ladies surrounding her, seeing them still locked in a discussion. The Queen turned back to her stepdaughter, a serious look on her face.

"When the time comes I hope you know my children and I shall bend the knee to you."

Tears welled in Rhaenyra's eyes as her body sagged in relief. With her fears eased, Rhaenyra was able to look at the babe in her lap differently. No longer was he a threat, now he was merely her baby brother. Rhaenyra tightened her grip on Aegon, pulling him closer to her chest. "Thank you, Enora."

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