<3 ChaPTeR FivE - sEduCeD

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"Li-Liam..." my fists clenched around his hair, tugging his head away - well at least trying to.

"Sh babe... It's alright! Let go..." comforting words were hushed under his breath, lips wanting to continue their journey.

"N-No... Please!"

He ground his hips against mine - the prominent bulge pressing against my crotch.

"You see what you have done? Now, you will have to help me out." He smirked against my skin, teeth grazing over my sweet spot before his lips continued to suck on it.

"No! NO PLEASE! Don't! Not now! Not here!" I exclaimed, weak arms trying to push him away.

"If not here, where else? If not now, when else?" he seductively licked his lips as my heart beat rose - in fear.

"I-I don't know! Please let me down!!!" 

"A feisty one you are, aren't you?" Liam continued kissing along my collar bones, brown hair tickling my neck.

"LIAM! PLEASE!!!" I yelled as he bit the soft skin.

"Why should I stop?" his tone was emotionless, almost snapping. His eyes were completely black as I locked with them.

My eyes widened in fear, not sure if my mind was playing me a trick - did his orbs just really turn pitch black? 

I blinked, pulling his head away from my neck and examining his face - his features were the same, plump lips, high cheekbones - and brown orbs.

"So?!" his gaze was questioning.

"Please give me some time!" I pleaded, tears running down my cheeks.

"No" he simply stated, and ground his hips against mine again, showing me the effect I had on him.


"A virgin?" his eyes snapped back to mine, shocking me with the intense black. "Even better!"

I witnessed him throwing me on the large bed.

"Alright then. We will continue this tomorrow. Be ready when we return from our job." and with this, he was gone. 

What had just happened? Where was the nice boy that had saved me? 

I sat there, completely dazed, uncontrollable sobs escaping my throat as tears spilled my eyes and waterworks ran down my cheek.

My hands rose to hide my face, my torso turning around as I let my limb body fall down on the cool sheets.

"Hello there?" a shy voice sounded from outside the room. I pulled myself together and whiped the tears away, rising from the cold bed and moving to the door, turning the handle and enabling the person to enter.

"Hey love, I'm Cai. How are-" she closed the door but stopped talking as she noticed my puffed up eyes and the red freckles on my forehead that build up every time I cry.

"Oh babe, tell me what's wrong!" Cai guided me back to the large bed, pushing me down to take seat and embracing me in a thigh hug as small sobs were being released.

"Shh, darling, shh. Tell me what did he do to you?"

"H-He w-was so r-rough! A-and i d-don't kno-ow what I-I've been d-doing wrong! I-I don't kn-know what happened! I me-mean his eyes - I-I'm a virgin; he can't force me - he suddenly appeared; there was no one! The room was empty!" I kept talking on and on, my confusion was noticed by Cai - she obviously knew what was going on, though I didn't notice then. My mind was blurred by the previous events, seeing my hero turning into something frightening - I was frightened, frightened by him. He scared the shit out of me.

"Babe, tell me SLOWLY what happened." Cai's voice was somewhat calming, though I din't feel save in her arms - she was too weak, she would have no chance against him.

"I went to look for him... I was scared of this Zayn guy, so I got up here to see him, to feel safe again... But when I entered the room, it was empty..." I recalled every single detail, wanting to tell her everything. "By the way, I heard you and Louis.." chuckles were released from my mouth as I saw her cheeks flushing red. "Anyways... The room was empty, so I laid down to the bed and wanted to sleep a bit, when there was a voice talking to me, and suddenly, there was Liam. I told him that I wanted to go home. That was when it got weird. He asked me what the other boys did to me, and freaked out entirely! that's when I kissed him - I j-just wanted h-him to ta-alk like th-that! H-He said he'd k-kill them.. I-I couldn't - You have to believe me!!!" I now yelled at her, angry about myself, angry about her unbelieving gaze, angry about Liam - angry about everything.

"It's gonna be alright.. I believe you.." Cai said thoughtfully whilst stroking my head that was now placed on her lap.

That's when my creepy brain started to work - started to think about what happened; started to form questions...

Why did he react like this? - I don't know. 

Why was he doing this? - I don't know. 

What will he do? - I don't know. 

Will he be gentle? - I don't know.

Would he hurt me? - I am sure he will.

Will I ever see him again? The real him? The gentle, caring person? Or was it all faked, was THAT his real him; rough, cold - careless?


I'm sorry if it was short and crappy but i have somewhat of a writing hanger or what you may call it :) Though I hope you enjoyed it, and VOTE VOTE VOTE for the next chapter (which I promise will be better and longer(;  )

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