Chapter 1-Laval

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Set during the last episode of the show (with a few things altered) and onwards, the story is told from 1st person POV from Laval and a few other characters

Thank you to those who supported me during the creation of this.

The roar of the jets filled my ears, just barely drowning out the sound of the vultures right outside. The moon was full and bright as day, but only tiny slivers of light illuminated the otherwise pitch black cabin. There must've been millions of them out there to block out a moon that bright, thank the Chi I didn't have to fight them though. No, I know what my mission is, and so do my friends.

This is to be perfect or we all die, to be honest not even fluminox knows if we all will make it out alive. Im scared for my life but I can't back down now, who knows what would happen if I make the same mistake as fluminox, I shudder at the thought of what'll happen to everyone back on Chima. I don't know if I'll live to see tomorrow so I should just get this off my chest and tell him already. As I open my mouth to speak, my words are drowned out by an explosion, and then the intercom.

"This is as far as we can get, There's too many!"
And then the doors open I see the target. Mt. Cavora; illuminated by the moon, and with a massive flock of vultures surrounding it. It was beautiful. nights like this make me think back on our positive memories together, and even the negative ones, I wish I could've told him. I'm awakened from my trance with a heavy slap to the face

"Get your head out of the clouds, Laval!" Worriz shouted as he ran past me and out the back of the plane
I took my last step and I fell out of the plane and into the sky.

The wings activated after a second and then the blazing heat warmed my bones. I saw the plane sailing into the flock firing all it had, and then exploding into a fireball, I bet their last words were "it's blazing time!"

I dare not let this moment go to waste, the opening the plane made gave me a direct view with my fate. The lion waterfall. It's great stone eyes were staring into my soul, almost daring me to deviate from my path. I wasted no time and accelerated to full speed, everyone else taking the same path as I, as my friends sped past me I whispered goodby as they split off and disappeared behind the mountain. As I sailed into the maw of the waterfall I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Don't fuck this up Flinx.

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