Chapter 27- Laval

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After I parted from Cragger I breathed a large sigh and commanded my men to follow. We went down a path similar to Cragger's but it was lit up. Probably would've been better for us to switch tunnels but we were already to far apart; the annoying shade of fluorescent lighting was hurting my eyes enough to make me consider running back to him though.

It wasn't long into the walk when I started to notice bodies lining the bottom of the walls. They weren't people, or organic at all really, they were robots. Their wires were like veins and the chrome metal plating was like skin. Something they all shared in common was a massive hole in all their chests where It looked like something was ripped from. At a point the bodies became so numerous the soldiers had to help me shovel them out of the way. We all had similar swords with flat, sturdy blades so using them as shovels wasn't to much of a stretch.

We walked through the clearing we made but we were stopped soon after. Out of the piles of bodies rose 10 or so of the robots that looked to have their chests intact. From the rubble they pulled out angular guns and swords, they looked dull and barely functioning. Emphasis on barely because it still fired, and I was the first to know it. Out of the strange gun fired a bolt of blue lightning directly into my chest. The ensuing shock made my ears ring so loud the noise of combat was completely muted, a bright white light flashed before my eyes and I fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes the eagles would grow. After almost a minute I was able to move and breathe again, if that blast hadn't hit directly in the center of my chi harness I probably would've died, good thing that part was made to take a lot of charge. I ducked behind a pile of bodies to avoid getting hit again and joined in gunning them down. I popped my head up to fire but they had already fell to the ground, hopefully for good this time. For extra assurance a couple of the soldiers put a couple extra bullets in their chests.

I stood above the corpse of the robot that had almost killed me, looking around at the sparkshed against the robots that attacked us made me want to join in as well, I especially had a reason to since this one had almost killed me. I had my hands gripped around my sword and held it above my head but something compelled me to hold my swing. It already looked dead to me and I didn't see any lights on in there, so why waste the effort. I sheathed my sword and confiscated the strange weapon just in case. It felt nice in my hands and had a good weight to it, and it was in better shape than the other blasters like it. I stepped over it after I took the weapon and rejoined the rest who weren't killing them. After a bit I heard one last gunshot that sounded like a bullet ricocheting of metal. It could've been to any of them but it was most likely the one meant for me.

"We should expect to see more of these things as we continue, keep your eyes peeled." I announced. "I want half you you looking forwards and the other half looking back, don't want them to get us by surprise." After a couple moments the soldiers finally got themselves organized into a passable formation and we continued on.

We continued down the hall and the bodies of the robots only began to pile higher and higher, they even began to line the walls like a layer of insulation. Whatever those robots wanted in here must've been damn worth it to throw this many bodies at it. Besides just laying dead like any normal corpse would, many of them were frozen in place in a pose that looked to be them running in the direction we were were going; many of them also in twisted freeze-frames of their final moments, which looked to be agonizing. Eventually the bodies became too deep to wade through, and too many to dig through, the hallway was even completely blocked off with the bodies. I ordered the men with heavy artillery to fire rockets at the wall so we could continue, as the rockets exploded,  shrapnel flew across the room and hit a couple soldiers at the front, nothing serious, mainly just some small cuts, som of it even bounced straight off my armor.

After the blast, I saw visor lights through the cloud of dust; lights just like the robots that had shot at us earlier, this time we wasted no time in mowing them down. There were only 5 or so that I noticed and before they could get a single shot off there were none. We continued through the rubble with our guns pointed to the piles of scrap, I kept forwards and drudged through the mangled metal plates that had as many holes as a pincushion. I finally got through to a clearing and my legs were bloody and cut up, nothing too serious hopefully but it's not like I could do anything about it. What lied before me was much more terrifying though, seemingly endless twisting corridors and ominous text scrawled on the walls in whatever was available for what poor souls were trapped in here.

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