Chapter 14- Laval

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I continued staring in awe at the tower, it was so tall, it could be a bridge of sort between here and Chima if the place was right above us. I head a distant voice call out to us and I turned to it, I saw a person who's details I couldn't make out standing on a massive blue wall, they were aiming some large weapon at us that looked to be a kind of ballista. Kyten flew off towards them and said he'll do the talking and after a few minutes we were allowed to enter the city.

The sand gradually gave way to a sandstone road and there were walls on either side which were painted with murals and topped with patrolling guards and more heavy weaponry. The walls depicted various animals that I recgonized engaged in a battle, there were Lions, Eagles, Snakes, Wolves, and some I didn't recognize, a couple looked like Eagles but bigger and golden and some that looked like Crocs but with leathery wings. As we went along the images began to resemble the "Timeline" I saw in that secret room in the Lion temple and at the end of it was Snakes attacking what I assumed was the city.

At the end of the wall we reached the actual city and our ride was accompanied by 2 other vehicles escorting us somewhere. Off the road were crowded sandstone houses and more people than I have ever seen before and on the other side of the road was a sea of colorful tents with all sorts of patterns selling all sorts of things, it reminded me of the marketplace at home. From my elevated vantage point I could see for miles, it was endless stretches of stone houses and short towers not much taller than the houses, in the distance I could see a large structure covered in plants with a massive tree sticking out it's top, I also saw the base of the tower that had been shading us. While we drove around it's base on our way to our destination I stared up its length and its peak was past the clouds, along it's height was a path spiraling up to its top with people scaling it. I don't know how they could thought, I imagine the air gets pretty thin that high up. After awhile of wading through crowds we came to a stop in front of a large stone building and a few soldiers talked to the ones escorting us, after a bit we continued in. The ceiling was far above us, sunlight hardly came in and it was dark, when we got off the take we were led out into a courtyard full of weapons and the four of us were separated. Cragger and Kyten were led back inside and me and Eris were led further out until we came to a stop infront of two people, a lion a little taller that me with dark fur, and a muscular canine looking woman who towered above both of us.

"Ahh, it's about time that I meet my little cousin!" The lion said, extending his hand to me, I shook it in response.

"We haven't met before." I said confused. "Who are you?" I asked.

"No we have not, our families have not met face-to-face in a very long time.I am Ry'Tharr and this is my wife Hynetta." The lion explained, as we finished shaking hands.

"I'm Laval and this is my friend Eris, to what do we owe the pleasure of meeting someone so important as you on our first day here." I said introducing ourselves.

"Yes, the future king and queen of these couple planets and moons, I'm sure you will be. Also you don't need to try and impress me though, you'll have the opportunity soon enough." He said, addressing us royally but in a condescending way. I was just trying to sound like I haven't been living under a rock my whole life though.

It felt a little weird that he would address us as that, especially the last part because as soon as he said that I felt like a laser was drilling into the lion's forehead, but I turned around and saw Kyten giving him a death stare from halfway across the yard, I assume they aren't exactly fans of each other.

"Now what we're here meeting with you for is we want to help you, but first we need your help. We'll tell you about it on the way to a safe place away from the public, follow us." Ry'Tharr said, leading us back outside to a car, and then a railway. He was kind enough to offer Kyten and Cragger a ride to the "inner city" he called it, but they declined and we were on our way.

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