Chapter 22- Eris

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I was nearly knock out of the sky when Kyten shouted, sure it wasn't as loud as back on the bridge but I could still hear it pretty well, and it didn't take a genius to tell he was pissed. I swooped down to the ground where Laval was meeting with him while they were in the middle of a shouting match.

"Where the hell were you? You left me alone in the city all night, I thought Cragger had been kidnapped!" He yelled.

"The camp was attacked and we had to return, we couldn't just leave our men alone without proper commanders in the middle of an ambush!" Laval shouted back.

"You're right, I was kidnapped!" Cragger chimed in, pushing his way to the front. "There was no way I was just going to stay at the tank all day."

"I'll talk with you two in a second." He said, dismissing us in favor of the croc. "What do you mean you were kidnapped, what happened?"

"I went to find somewhere to eat cus' I hadn't yet that day and some people sitting around a cooking pot told me to come over. They gave me some kind of broth and we talked for a bit, after that I tried to leave and they attacked me!" Cragger explained to Kyten.

"Did you catch their names?" Kyten asked him.

"Of course I did, they dragged me around the city to help with some kind of plot they had to steal something from Ry'Tharr. I only got two of their names though. I forgot the other one but one of them was named Asuri." Cragger told him.

"Of course she got to you, they do this to everyone who comes here." He said with a tired tone.

"What's so bad about them, besides them kidnapping Cragger?" I asked him.

"I have a feeling you'll find out soon enough." He grumbled. "You three and Lavertus should come with me, your soldiers will be led to the barracks, Ry'Tharr wants to speak to all about an "opportunity" he has for us." Laval and Cragger went back to notify Lavertus and I stayed with Kyten while we got a head start.

"So about yesterday, sorry we left you. We had to leave immediately." I said, apologizing to him.

"Oh it's no problem, I had a place to stay. I was worried that something happened to one of you three, and something did." I replied. "Now is what Laval said true? That you were attacked?"

"Yes, a lot of our soldiers were killed, many of them I knew well. The couple hundred that marched here with us were the only ones to make it out alive. Well except for Scorm." I told him.

"Scorm? Who's that?" Kyten asked.

"An old enemy, well now he's still our enemy I guess. He must've escaped durning the attack because he ambushed Laval while he was with Ry'Tharr." I clarified.

"Strange, that name seems familiar. Reminds of stories I used to read about kings fearing a scorpion with that name in the old world." He muttered to himself. "Do you know why he was there?"

"I think he said something about stealing information for a ceremony." I told him.

"That would explain the increased traffic to Relanakiiv, that ceremony is essentially a gladiatorial match between between Resegidis and whoever else is vying for control of Chima. A lot of important people are going to be there." He told me.

"So would that be a good place to go if we were to establish power down here?" I asked him.

"I wish it were that simple, however this era of serpentine led by Pythor is far different from themselves of just a couple thousand years ago. Back then the moon was to wild for even the great king Lelex to conquer, So the reptiles there ruled themselves by the good ol' "might makes right" system. Which was more or less a massive game of king of the hill." He said, rambling on. "This system is more bureaucratic in that only the snakes use it."

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