Chapter 18- Eris

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We watched the two walk off towards the town and I continued looking off into the distance in wonder, Hynetta told me she was going to change into something else. I continued looking out onto to colorful buildings. Being out on the wide open concrete platform and watching my only friend around me walk away made me feel alone for the first time I could remember.

I kept looking off until I noticed someone going up the road Laval and Ry'Tharr went down. They were trying to sneak around but they didn't notice I saw them. Eventually they saw me staring them down and they dove into some bushes, I looked around for them but they had disappeared. I had just dropped my guard when a figure rushed out from the side of me and tackled me to the ground and held some claw-like weapons to my neck.

"You ain't a snitch, right?" She said in a hushed tone while cautiously looking around. She had her face wrapped up and was in a light leather armor.

"No No, please don't hurt me." I said panicked. I was completely helpless but thankfully she got off of me.

"Good, now don't say a damn thing about this and we'll be ok." She said while getting up and going back in the bushes.

I shot up and looked around more acutely and I saw her making a shushing symbol at me from the bushes and then pointing to something behind me.

"What'cha lookin at?" Hynetta said from behind me

"Oh nothing! Just the flowers." I said while turning around to face her. She had plate armor on that was covered in scratches and dents with her cleaver of a sword drawn.

"What are you wearing?" I asked.

"Well about those legends of Cavoran Eagles being Legendary warriors, I wanted to test that out with a little sparring match." She said while putting on her helmet.

"Aren't I here on business? I didn't really want to fight." I said.

"Well I figured we'd do that when Ry'Tharr and them get back. And don't think of it as a fight, you told me about your new axe so think of this as breaking it in. I won't go hard I promise." She told me.

"Alright I guess." I said while drawing my axe. Thankfully I had my steel armor from when I went to the Outlands, my old set hardly covered anything.

We circled around staring each other while holding our weapons, she jumped in and made the first strike, bringing her sword down on me, I dodged to the side when she did and the pavement cracked where her sword met the ground. Seeing me to her right side she quickly slashed up at me and I leaned out of the way, with her momentum she slashed at me legs but I jumped above the hit, with the flat top of my axe I thrust it into her helmet, disorienting her. I took the flat of the head and smacked the side of her helmet, taking her to a knee. I grabbed my axe up close to the head and flicked the bottom of the shaft into her head, knocking her flat on the ground spread eagle. She was panting heavily and looking up at the sky, she ripped off her helmet and had a wide grin across her face.

"So the legends are true!"  She said, turning her head to look at me.

"I'd say I'm just an exception, the rest of them are all librarians." I responded. I held out my hand to help her up and it was a strain, with not just her massive muscular body but also the steel plate armor she had on.

I heard clapping from the road and turned to look, it was a scorpion clad in golden scales and had two curved swords.

"Very good. A nice, quick fight as so to not tire you out. Just means more of a challenge for me." He said while approaching. 

"Who are you! You have no right to be here!" Hynetta commanded with a booming voice.

"Who I am doesn't matter, I'm here on behalf of someone I know who want something you have. And I'm here to take it."  The scorpion said.

He drawn two swords, splayed out to his side, he looked like he was rearing up to attack until I saw his eyes widen.

"This what you're looking for?" A voice said from behind him. I peaked around him and saw that cat that jumped me earlier, holding some kind of folder in her hand.

The scorpion turned on a dime to face her and after a second he lunged towards her. She ran off and the scorpion on her heels.

"If that is what I think it is we have to get it back!" Hynetta yelled as she followed. Since everyone else was going, I did too.

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