Chapter 10- Cragger

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Chapter 10-Cragger

After Gorzan took me and Eris back to the truck I waved him away so I could focus on my own wound and he could help Eris, it was a little difficult since the snake pierced some tendons in my shoulder, but no veins so I won't bleed out. I had to grab a mirror to get a better view and force my wound open, it hurt more than it did going in, when I got a better look the muscles where he hit were turning green, the bastard was venomous. I started to panic and tore the first aid kit apart looking for some anti venom but couldn't find any, I was starting to feel dizzy and lost feeling in my right arm I searched even harder but to no avail. I looked outside the truck for something and saw a slain invader right outside the truck, I searched the soldier for something to defend ourselves with and found a long, curved sword on his side, o could hardly use it with my left hand but it was better than nothing, I searched some more and jumped with joy, anti venom. Snakes can't harm themselves with their own venom but they can be harmed by other snakes venom. I used it but it didn't seem to work as I had hoped, I saw some of the venom go away but it had already seeped into my veins and I began to black out.

I woke up the next day in the lion temple basement, it looks like a large section of it was converted into a hospital. I sat up and all the bones in my back cracked at once, my legs felt really stiff and staticky when I tried to move them. When I moved my arms I noticed two tubes coming out of them, one connecting to a red bag and another to a green bag, I still felt woozy but less so than when I was in the truck. I tried to call back asleep and wait till I could move without almost passing out but it was difficult with the constant commotion of the various doctors running back and forth, and the unsynchronized beat of the many heart monitors.

When I awoke it was dinner time and I had been brought my meal, it was what looked like fish, a salad, and something else I couldn't identify, despite the unappetizing appearance it wasn't awful. When I finished I saw other patients returning from what I assumed was the cafeteria, one of them was Laval. He must've noticed me and came over to greet me, I wasn't expecting him to hug me as hard as he could.

"Let go Val I'm fine!" I said to try and get him off me. It didn't work at all

"I'm so glad you're still alive." He said while continuing to embrace me. "You'd been out for weeks, I didn't think you'd ever wake up."

"What are you talking about, I'm fine. I was only out for a day." I said to reassure him.

"Cragger, that fight was 3 weeks ago, you were in a coma. That venom almost killed you." He said seriously.

"What? How?" I was very confused about everything. When the venom hit me I was worried but I didn't feel like I was almost dead. I went on rambling and Laval explained as much as he could. while I was out people scoured the land searching for any snakes they could find, some turned up and were interrogated.

"Good news is we found where the snake that we fought went." Laval explained. "Bad news is that he's off Chima and somewhere in the lands below us."

"Bad news? I thought you said you always wanted to go down there!" I replied, a little shocked that Laval didn't want to go.

"I didn't say I don't want to go, it's just that I can't do what I wanted to do down there initially. My dad organized an army to search for the snake and me and Eris are leading it. It's a lot of responsibility for me." He said solemnly.

"That's great isn't it? You've always wanted to prove yourself, then would be your chance." I said, a little confused.

"Well yeah it's just that I can't be showing off. These are real people that I'm leading against the snakes, the same snakes that killed some of our men when they invaded. I don't want to take any chances and lose any more lives than absolute necessary, just get the snake and come back." He explained to me.

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