Chapter 28- Laval

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I took my eyes off the moons and checked my surroundings; we must've reached the outer edge of this floating island. To my sides was a long march of metal catwalks curving around the corners and out of sight, Above me was even more. Below, however, was an endless expanse of calm, still water beautifully reflecting the moonlight. I leaned over the railing and took a deep breath, the salty air refreshing and stimulating.

Not long after the door closed behind me it opened again, the wolf girl following through. She joined my side on the railing; gazing wistfully at the moons before going down to her knees and clasping her hands together with a bowed head.

"What are you doing?" I asked curiously.

"Praying." She said shortly.

"Who to?"

"My goddess, Winowa."

"What's she about?" I asked interested. At this point she stopped trying to pray and got up to join me at the rail.

"She's the goddess of the moons and patron to all wolves, she probably wouldn't like you though." She said with a slight hint of scorn in her voice.

"Why's that?"

"She was once a mortal who had relations with an ancient lion king. No one knows the whole story but the two had a falling out and ever since then she has hated all lions, especially the royals like you." She said with a playfully sinister tone.

I bet she was happy that shut me up for a bit but I changed the subject after a few seconds of silence.

"I don't think I ever caught your name." I mentioned to break the silence.

"It's Worah."

"Worah? That's an interesting na..." I complimented, not finishing my sentence since I heard something coming from above us.

We trained our rifles onto the walkway above us. Not long after the initial sound the target made himself clear; it was Cragger to my surprise.

"Laval!" He shouted in joy, barely giving me enough time to put my gun down before jumping into my arms.

"I'm so glad to see you." I exclaimed.

"You too." He said back to me.

"I'll leave you two alone, I can pray some other time." Worah said as she walked back inside.

"What's her problem?" Cragger asked after she left.

"Oh it's nothing. She means well... I think." I said, disregarding the statement. "How'd you get here anyways? You went the opposite way I did?"

"My whole squad got split up, we were ambushed and then we all ran for our lives."

"Oh... do you know of any survivors?"

"No, a bunch ran down the hallway I took but they got picked off, I only barely escaped."

"At least you're ok." I said in a dismal tone. "Wasn't Leonidas in your group?"


"Do you know what happened to him?"

"Him and some other girl ran down a hallway and were followed by around 5 other attackers, that's the last I saw of him."

I couldn't hardly respond, I simply stared off into the water before me with my mouth open in shock.

"It's ok Laval, you know how strong he is. Hell I've fought him multiple times and got my ass kicked, a few of those savages are nothing to him. I know he's ok, he'll find his way to us sometime."

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