17. ° Baby Shower °

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So after the deal or planning I and Sirenia are now in one of those famous decoration shop, 'BURIQUE DECORS'.
"Hey Y/n, how's this?" Sirenia said the 1000th time this day showing me a baby blue designed Carol pots.

"You want a boy or a girl?" I said now observing some designs here and there.

"I can go with any but I prefer a girl." She said.

"Alright!" I walked to the pink and green corner and took some designed glasses.

"This might work." I said taking out a few.

I went to one of the boy's decorations corner and took out some glasses from there.

"Hey! Y/n, jimin is coming for helping you and I'll go home because yk I want some rest." She said, I already saw this coming.

"Hmm." I just hummed.
"Let's get to the pots corner." I talked to myself collecting all the objects I have took.

"Umm, miss how can I help you?" A staff came and said.

"Uhh! Please show me the pots corner." I said, she took me to the pots corner.

"This is your way, miss."
"my pleasure"

I walked and took in the colours. I took the white, grey, blue, pink, dark green, cyan colour pots. Atleast 50.
"These can work."

Now I went to the decoration corner and did the left out shopping.
When I exited the door, my head bumped into someone.

And due to some bad luck I fell.


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