Lesson 8 - Back to Old Self

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

The conflict has ended one month after that incident, the school view it as a serious event which was known to a few of selected students involved it.

They don't want to lose the trust of people after all. If it was published normally, they wouldn't want to register their kids to this school for a new semester and it's highly presumed the parents wouldn't allow them to learn magic in this school.

The empire has applied a strict controls information protocol to avoid heavy uneasiness in the main city.

Which soon, thereafter the academy went back to it's peaceful days...

Glenn: "But... to think that Rumia is the Princess Elumiana who's supposedly died in disease there years ago..."

(Y/N): "Well, I already know that tho..."

Glenn: "Why didn't you tell me!?"

(Y/N): "Why I would do that? Also, you never asked..."

Glenn: "That's... understandable. Have a nice day..."

(Y/N): "Hahahaha...."

Then, Glenn sighed heavly as I'm laying back to the wall beside him.

Glenn: "That's girl, Rumia, is a rare case. A special existence born with an unique magical ability. The others will consider it to be an alteration fit to be Demon Borne - A target of persecution..."

(Y/N): "That's why the Queen hid her in this school. She's friend with Sistine's parent and asked them to take care of her because if she was in the castle..."

Glenn: "She will met with unfriendly eyes, huh... such nasty feeling"

(Y/N): "But who cares about her actual identity, right? Rumia is still Rumia after all..."

Glenn: "You are goddamn right..."

We both then share a laugh for a moment as I'm reminding out old days.

(Y/N): "I'm must say you're became a really good teacher, Glenn. We both learn magic at the same time under that old hag, Celica..."

Glenn: "Yeah, I remember that"

(Y/N): "We have shared our times and ideas to crafted our Original Magic together back then..."

Glenn: "Hmm..."

(Y/N): "I thought, you're already fed up with the Magical World... but to have seen you fight back when the incident occured... I'm unable to think the same again..."

Glenn: "Which mean?"

I smiled... and it's the honest one as I'm looking straight at Glenn's eyes with an nostalgic gaze that shown in the past when they were still young and naive.

Glenn then widened his eyes in surprise before smiling at me as says...

Glenn: "*smiles* I'm home, (Y/N)"

(Y/N): "*smiles* Welcome back, Glenn"

I softly pat his back and he replies in kind as it's been too long ever since I decide to leave them.

Then, we're fist bumping to each other like our old days.

It's been two years ever since of our separated ways. I'm investigating what has been lost within my memories while he just doing thing that he's like...

He may not my biological brother but at least, we do take care each other like what normal siblings does...

Truly, it's been long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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