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🥀(Y/N)s POV🌹

    Yesterday was so tiring, I woke up in my 'bed' feeling like absolute sh1t. I feel worn out, I can barely feel my legs (not like that you sick fcks) and my arms hurt.

        I don't know if it was a nightmare or not but I remember Ink(?) I think forcing a drink- substance? Into my mouth. First it was the nightmares, and then his weird- stalking- pink eye thing, and now it's this? My brain is giving me more reasons to keep away from him. But I don't have any other evidence that's apart from my nightmares, and things that I don't even know are real or not.

        Before I could continue rambling in my head I felt like throwing up. I ran towards my bathroom and threw up, ew. I wiped my mouth and was about to go brush my teeth but then I threw up again in the toilet.

  After my body FINALLY calms down I go  brush my teeth and shower, and after I do my good ol morning routine. I collapsed outside the bathroom door. "Sht.." I let out, I can't even walk without feeling shtty.
     My door opened which revealed Blueberry in his pajamas. "Egh? Human? It's 3 in the morning what are you doing up so late?" He said groggily, I looked at the clock and saw the time. "Oh.. sorry for waking you up blue I'm just-" I got interrupted by a sneeze. "Uhm, I-i guess I'm sick".

      Blue took a moment, just looking at me on the ground and then said "Can you wait till morning. Or when I get coffee or smthing" he then yawned after that sentence. I sigh "sure blue" he nods and leaves. Cant blame him, 3 in the morning, people don't want to deal with this sht.
       I crawled to my bed and laid flat on it. I turned myself around and looked up before getting up again and locking my door. I then walked back to my bed until halfway walking slowly I collapse and crawl again. I as well don't want to deal with my sick bs.
      I woke up again and got on my spinny chair and moved to the door unlocking it and moving back to my bed. I groaned in annoyance of my sickness. My boredom was stopped by the now caffeine filled great blueberry bursting through my door.

    "HUMAN! I recall you were sick right? I got you soup and green tea! I heard it makes you feel better!" He puts the food on the desk next to me. "Says who-" "ME" yep I'm not ruining his mood and he's making sure no one does. "Anyways! Any request?" I thought for a moment before motioning blue to come close to me. Blue stepped a little bit closer to me and crouched to be at eye to eye level. "Can you keep ink away from me? I'm getting bad vibes from him" I whispered to blue.

      He stopped back up and looked down and nodded. "I have been noticing him acting stranger than usual. I'll make sure he doesn't bother you human" He smiles at the end of his sentence, and I salute him.
     He leaves the room locking the door behind him in the process.
It's been awhile but I am finally back on my phone and back to this fic.
This is just a draft and ima continue this in the morning/ when I wake up since it's 11:33 rn.    Anywayz take this while I finish/sleep. Goodnight ❤️

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