Chapter 8

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Asher's POV
"What why not" Violet asks? "Because I'll be taking you for now on". "No" violet says. "It wasn't a question" i say moving closer to her. "No I'm good" violet says moving away from me. " well to bad because I'm taking you rather you like it or not". "And why"? "Because you're supposed to be my old lady and no old lady of mine will be walking to work". Asher why are you acting like this. Your dad is in the kitchen"violet says.

Violet's POV
I don't understand why Asher is acting like this. I mean i like it and it makes him look hot but that's not the point. I thought this was supposed to be fake but Asher's acting like I'm really his old lady as he likes to say. "Because my dad and the guys will think something is up i don't make you let me take you to work". Asher says. "But" i go to fight back but Asher stops me grabbing the rolling chair and pulling me to him. "For now on i will be taking you to and from work. End of discussion, or else I'll bend you over my knee and spank that cute ass red" Asher says and i gasp in shock that he would say something like that to me. "You wouldn't". "You really wanna test that theory" Asher says and in one swift motion, taking me from the rolling chair to straddling his lap. My eyes widen and I back down "no i won't test that theory. "Good girl" Asher says placing me back on the rolling chair but keeping me in arms length. "O ok back to your tutoring". "There's nothing to tutor me on today" Asher says. "Then why am i here"? "Because dad wanted to meet you and i thought it would be fun to hang out with you" Asher says. I roll my eyes "but you asked me if we could tutor at your house before we had the deal" I say knowing im catching him in some sort of lie. "Umm yeah that's right" Asher says scratching at the back of his head. "Yes i know I'm right stated a point". "Well umm at the time i thought we would have something to tutor on"Asher says and i raise an eyebrow. "Ok if you say so, ok well i have homework so i do me and you do you". "Come on you can do that later" Asher says grabbing my bag and holding it away from me. "Asher please give me my bag". "No" Asher says. "Why not"? "Because you'll do your homework and not talk to me" Asher says. "And what would we talk about"? "Well we could play twenty questions get to know each other" Asher says. "Ok fine one round and then you let me do my homework"? "Fine i can agree with that"Asher says putting my bag beside me. "Okay so you go first". "Okay you go first". "okay do you have any siblings" Asher asks leaning back onto his bed. "No its just me what about you. Do you have any siblings"? "Probably somewhere my mom left my dad with me after i was born"Asher says. "I'm sorry that must be hard". "Yeah well what about your parents" Asher asks? "I never knew them i was raised by my hurried aunt". "I'm sorry that must have been hard for you" Asher says. "Eh i got though it, so whats your favorite color"? Umm black, what about you" Asher says. "My favorite color would have to be royal purple". "Cool Asher says. "So what's your favorite kind of food"? "Umm any home cooked food" Asher says. "Cool". "What's your favorite"Asher asks? "Would have to be Chinese food". "Hmm wouldn't take you as that type of person" Asher says. "What does that mean"? "It just means i just didn't think you would like Chinese food" Asher says. "Okay so what's your favorite thing to do" Asher asks? "Read, write, or listen to music". "What do you write about" Asher asks? "Umm I'm not telling you". "Why not" Asher asks? "Because you'd want to read it just to mess with me". "That's it true i just wanna know what you write i never said I'd read it" Asher says. "Fine i write romance novels ". "Really thats cool, have you published any of your work" Asher asks? "not on a professional level". "Maybe you should" Asher says. "You haven't even read any of my work why would you say that"? "Because i know anything you write will be great no matter what it is" Asher says. "Ok good point" i say turning a light pink color. "Anyways back to the game i think it was your turn to ask" Asher says? "What are the things you like to do"? "Ride, the club, play. That's it"Asher says. I'm about to reply to his answer when Doug yells from the kitchen that dinner is done. "Saved by dad" Asher says getting off the bed and guiding me out of his room and into the kitchen, over to the living room. "Here you sit I'll make you a plate" Asher says. I sit and just nod feeling a little tired. I watch as Asher walks away going to the kitchen to fix his and i's plates. A few minutes later Asher comes back from the kitchen with two plates full with food. "Asher there's no way I'm going to be able to eat all of that". "Babe you're as skinny as a twig eat your food" Asher says placing my plate on the little coffee table in front of me. "I'll try" i say and take my plate with spaghetti and Texas toast with cheese on it. Asher sits down beside me as i start to eat. "So what would you like to watch " Asher asks grabbing the remote and turning on the t.v.. "Umm anything you want, i don't really watch at lot of t.v.". "What, why not" asher asks? "Can't afford it". Asher nods his head and decides for us to watch "the arrow". After we get done eating i sit and what the arrow. Asher pulls me to him with his hands resting on my sides. "What are you doing"? "I'm cuddling you it's something couples o to show each other affection" Asher says and i shrug. Plus he's warm. I pull my feet up taking my shoes off and put them under the coffee table. Leaning back into Asher i watch the t.v. With Asher. I feel my eyes get heavy and close them falling asleep cuddled up into Asher's side.  

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