Chapter 7 bad day

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                              Liam's POV
I knew today was not going to go well for Sophie because she had to get up early because we have a meet and greet today. I walked into Sophie's room and gentle shook her and said "babe time to get up." She groaned and roll back over I said "baby please get up we have to leave soon." She said "but daddy I'm twired." I said "I know sweetie you can sleep in the car." She got up and I got her dress she went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth and I brushed her hair and put it into a ponytail for her.

Then she went downstairs to get breakfast after we ate we headed to the car I got Sophie in her car seat and then I got into the drivers seat and we drove to the Arean it was at. We got there and there were a lot of fans and papz I went around and picked Sophie up and she whined and said "no daddy I want to sleep." I said "I know baby but we have to go in." I put her down so she could hold my hand but she stayed where she was I said "come on babe." She said "no I don't want to I want to sleep." She started getting teary eyes I sighed and got down to her level and said "babe you have to come inside you can't stay out here and I know you're tired but we have to go inside." She took my hand and pouted we walked inside and she sat on the sofa with sophia and Gemma Harry's sister I said "Sophie this is you're aunt Gemma." Gemma said "nice to meet you Sophie." She pouted and I said to her "she's tired and mad at me because I woke her up early sorry about that." She said "I get it I don't like waking up early either." I walked over to Sophie and said "Sophie you can be mad at me but don't take it out on other people. You can't be rude to people now go apologize to Gemma." She walked over to Gemma and said "sowry." Gemma said "it's okay sweetie."she gave her a hug then she went to color in her coloring book we got ready for the meet a and greet I kept looking over at Sophie. In the middle of it Sophie came over to me and said "daddy I wanna go home." I said "sweetie I know but not right now,now go back to cloring we will be done soon." She said "no I want to go now!!!" She stomped her foot and crossed her arms I got down to her level and said sternly "go back to mummy now and color we will be done soon now stop this I get that you're tired but you can't act like this understand." She whined "noooooo I want to go noww." She started crying and throwing a temper tantrum sophia came over and grabbed her and took her to the seprate room.
                   Sophia's POV
I saw liam talking to Sophie and she started throwing a temper tantrum I grabbed her and took her to another room and said sternly to her "Sophie stop acting like this we will go home soon and you can sleep try and sleep on the couch okay." She nodded her head I took her over to the couch and laid her down and she fell asleep instally.
                         Sophie's POV
I woke up feeling better I was in my own bed. I walked downstairs and saw daddy I went into the livingroom and said from the Conor "daddy are you still mad at me?" He said "come here sweetie." I walked over and jumped into his lap and he said "no I'm not I know you were just tired and you needed that nap and I'm sorry for waking you up early this moring." She said "it's Otay." He kissed my head and we watched tv for a bit. Then mummy called all us in for lunch. We ate and then I played with my dollies for the rest of the afternoon. At 6:00 mummy called all us in for dinner we ate and then daddy took me to the bathroom to give me a bath after I was done I got into my 5SOS PJs then I headed downstairs an sat next to uncle Harry while uncle luke got me my warm milk. After I was done uncle harry brought me up to bed and said "goodnight love." He gave me a kiss on the head then I asked him "can aunt gem come say goodnight to me too?" He said "sure I'll get her." He left a couple mintues later aunt gem came in and gave me a kiss on the forehead and said  "goodnight sweetie." Then mummy and daddy came in and said "goodnight darling." And gave me a kiss on each cheek as I said "good night everyone."mummy turned on my nightlight and daddy turned off the lights and closed the door slightly and I fell into a peaceful sleep.

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