Chapter 12 bullies

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Sophie's POV
I got up and went downstairs and uncle niall got me some Frenchtoast I ate it. Then headed upstairs to get dress uncle calum helped me pick out my clothes I was wearing a shirt and jeans I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and uncle calum helped me with my hair. After I was done I headed downstairs and got my sneakers on and my bag my uncle harry said "ready?" I said "yeah." He got me in my car seat and then got in the front seat. We got to school and headed in uncle harry gave me a kiss and said good bye and left. I found Chloe and sat next to her and then a mean girl came up to us and said to me "no one likes you." I said "yeah people do." She said "no they don't your a spoile little brat." I said "no I'm not." She said "yeah you are." I then walked away and she pushed me to the ground I said to her "why did you do that?" She said "because your spoiled."me and Chole just went and sat on the carpet for reading time the whole time I was listening to the book the mean girl was flicking the back of my head I said "stop." The teacher said "is there a problem girls."I said "yeah she keeps on flicking me." The teacher said "now serina  stop flicking Sophie." She said "Otay." And gave me a death glare. After story time we did our craft and I was siting next to Chole but the mean girl was sitting on the other side of me we were gluing and painting she took the paintbrush and painted my cheek then she took the glue and poured it on my head I screamed the teacher came running over and serina said "that's what you get for telling on me tatal tail" The teacher said "serina go to the office now!!!!" She stomped off to the office and the teacher helped me clean the paint off of me and tried to get the glue out of my hair and off my clothes. Once we were done we had snack after snack we waited for our parents to come when uncle louis showed up I ran to him he asked "what happen bug?" I said "a mean girl was being really mean to me and she poured glue on my head and pushed me and she painted my cheek." I said getting teary eye He said "aw bug did you tell the teacher?" I said "yeah but the mean girl called me a tatal  tail." He sighed and went over to the teacher while I waited in the door way.

Louis POV
after Sophie told me what happened I went over to the teacher and said "excuse me miss but I would apperate it if the girl who did this to my niece  never goes near her again okay." The teacher said "mr. Tomlinson I will do that and the kid is suspended for a week but she has to apologize to Sophie first." I said "okay thanks for telling me." She nodded then a girl went up to Sophie as I was walking over Sophie got close to me the girl said "stop being a baby and listen to me I'm sorry brat." Sophie said "no your not." The girls mom said "serina apologize to her the right way we are not leaving until then." This girl rolled her eyes at her mothers comment but then said "sorry." Sophie said "apologie not accept." And walked out I followed her and serina's mother said "wait." I turned back around and she said "I'm sorry for my daughters behavior and what she did to your daughter this is not like her at all."I said "she's not my daughter she's my neice and her father and mother will not be please with this." She said "yeah I know sorry again." Then we went our seperate ways we headed to the studio since that is where everyone is we walked in and sophia gasped and asked "what happened?" Sophie said "a mean girl poured glue on me." Sophia came over to me and said "does the teacher know." I said "yeah the kid got suspended and she "apologize" which was not an apologize and this kid has a really bad attitude." She said "she better not go near her again." I said "she won't." Then sophia took Sophie home to get her cleaned up.

Sophia's POV
I took Sophie home to get her washed up after that I got her into her pjs and we went downstairs and I made her lunch I called her in when I was done making her lunch she are and then went back into the other room and watched her show I cleaned up her plate and then I went to take a nap while she watched tv. I went up to mine and Liam's room and took off my shoes then I fell asleep on the bed.

Liam's POV
The boys and I got home and Sophie was on the couch she asked "daddy I'm I a spoil brat?" I asked "no why would you ask that?" She sighed and said "a girl in my class called me it." I said "is this the same girl the poured glue on your head?" She nodded her head and I said "well she's not nice." She said "yeah she's not." Then she went into her room and Sophia came out and said "hey." And pecked me on the lips I said "hey." She said "how was recording?" I said "good." Then she said "do you know how or who put glue in Sophie's hair?" I said "yeah it was this girl name serina  who is a total brat to her she also called her a spoile brat and pushed her." She said "unbelievable their in perschool they shouldn't be acting like this."I said "I know." Then niall started cooking dinner once it was done he called everyone in and we are after we were done Michael got Sophie ready for bed after, after she was asleep I asked "what are we going to do about serna?" Louis said "I told the teacher to keep her away from and she is suspended for a week." I said "okay good." Then we all went to our rooms and got ready for bed after I was done getting ready I fell asleep with my arms around Sophia's waist.

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