Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 Mae

I was left staring at the empty space Lucifer occupied. I did not know if I would ever get around to calling him 'dad.' It was blatantly obvious he had a specific use for me. Through his heavily layered comments, I knew just having a daughter was not enough for him. He wanted me for a reason, a reason I needed to figure out before the Blood Moon.

Quicker than my mind could think up, Jacin's blond hair danced its way into view. My stomach plummeted. It wasn't a cute 'butterflies in my stomach' but more of a 'knotted up yarn from anxiety' type of feeling. I could feel the mate bond, strong and pure. Yet, I hated him more than anything. The burn of anger masked any sort of lust Aphrodite's bond was supposed to create. Instead of wanting to fuck him, I wanted to bloody his face up.

Right when his blue eyes registered my newly turned red ones, he froze. He probably was in as much shock as I was. Actually, no. I bet finding out your dad is the lord of Hell is much more surprising then finding out your mate has black hair. Maybe it was the newly established mate bond, but I had a feeling it was not just the physical change of appearance that frightened him. He knew.

"You know that Hades is my Dad, don't you?" I asked, already knowing his answer.


"How long have you known? As long as you knew I was your Mate?" I glared at him. I stood absolutely still. The only muscles that moved were the ones controlling my lips. This was a change as well. Before, I could barely stand still for a second. I was always moving my legs, swaying back and forth, or doing something to regain my balance. Now, I moved less than the trees around me.

"No, I just learned," He took a step toward me. His lips were tight, but his heart was beating fast. I could smell his need for me. Disgusting, " Mae, listen, I couldn't tell you-"

I cut him off and raised a hand to motion him to stay where he was, "I do not need your excuses. I am fairly certain I know enough. Little bitty Jacin turned into his wolf, and found his mate. But no! Gods above, his mate was sick," I motioned to the sky as if Zues was paying attention, "So what did little Jacin do? Well, let me tell you! He cried to his mommy and daddy, who then told the Alpha and the Gamma. Spoiler alert, the Gamma is my dad. Well...Adopted dad. Anyway, one thing led to another, and they told you that I was a liability and a weakness to not just you, but the pack. They told you to ignore me."


"Shut up, interrupting is rude! I know you are an uncivilized dog, but manners! Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, so you ignored me for years. Four to be exact. In those four years, it was obvious you shut me out. This led all the bullies to have absolute free rain on my ridicule. Which they did, of course. Each day, I was harassed. I was bullied. I was belittled. Even though you never said anything, you let them do it. You let them tear me down. You just watched."

He stared at me in silence. The evident expression of despair was etched into his face. Good, I hope this hurts him.

"You can talk now. I want to hear whatever pathetic excuse you are about to throw at me. Here are some ideas for you, if you can't come up with any yourself: 'My daddy told me I had too,'" I said in a whiney voice, " 'I had to for the strength of the pack," I continued as I lowered my octave to imitate that of a man, "'If I stood up for you, everyone would have known!"

"I have no excuse. I should have stopped it."

I laughed. Wow, I must be Hades' daughter, because I was guffawing just like him, "Taking the high road I see! Four years too late I guess."

"Mae, I fucked up. I know that. I have no excuses. I might be too late, but I don't care about the pack. I want to be with you. When I saw you in the Hydra's mouth, I knew nothing else mattered. Only you."

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