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HAZEL MATEO  stood with legs pointed upwards and palms on the ground. She pulled her weight up with her palms.

With a quick swerve, she went back on her feet and rubbed her palm gently on her right shoulder.

How long has she been here in that position? From dusk till dawn.

The stars were already disappearing, the moon was beautiful but she wouldn't wait to watch the sunrise. For Hazel, it wouldn't be as beautiful as the last time she watched it with her parents, sixteen years ago.

When she was taken away by those men, she was sold to a brothel lady, a place she never knew existed in this lost and lonely world.

How many men used her? Since she turned ten, she couldn't remember.

These sixteen years, she lived like a walking corpse without a soul. There will be no hope for a better future if her enemies are not down along with her parents!

No one knows. No one understands her. No one would ever know or understand the pain she had been keeping bottled up for years.

Those pains made her, and they created her.

How greatly shocked they will be to discover the little girl they had used and broken was the WILD HAZEL.

Turning away from the moon, she headed towards the warehouse. Her black hair was neatly wrapped in a bun at the nape of her neck. Her black leather turtleneck jumpsuit glued to her skin. Hazel was pretty but yet heartless. In short, she was a beautiful demon.

At the entrance of the warehouse, a guard stopped her.

"What is it?"

"Apologies, mistress,"

Hazel corked her brow, looking impatient. "So tell me?"

"It's about Jeffery Ward,"

She relaxed her brow, "If he isn't ready to speak...."

"He is"

The corner of her lips turned to a little smirk before she walked away. In just 24 hours ,he agreed to cooperate? An ex-mafia leader? She expected more of him.

JEFFERY WARD. It was a difficult and risky act to capture him at the entrance of the airport. That's how much risk she would take for her revenge. It wouldn't be any concern of hers if the universe doesn't agree with her. She will show the five devils what a demon she has become. She will break their every limb and make them watch as dogs feast on them.

She took the prison doors while taking out her gun from behind her pocket jeans she stepped into the underground prison room.

The room had no windows. The gate was made of narrow rods, leaving little spaces between them that a hand would not dare pass through.

She found him, and he was tied with chains to a pillar at the pivot of the room. His face was bloody with cuts, and his left eyes were wounded. Hazel was sure it had gone blind. His white shirt was stained with narrow vertical and horizontal blood stains from the whips.

Her mafia group members were pretty heartless and deadly. She could bet on that.

But he had his head bowed, and she desperately wanted to see the face from sixteen years ago, the masked face. She had only seen him on photos.

"Open up," she told the two guards at the gate. "I want to see him."

The gate was opened, and she walked in, her bootheels clicking loudly in the quiet room, and Jeffery had to raise his aching head to see his visitor.

VENGEANCE AND LOVEHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin