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JAYDEN TAYLOR has been listening to all his rants these past weeks about getting a wife to seal the deal. This deal of partnership had been his topmost priority these last few months.

But right now, his marketer held this confused and baffled expression with mouth parted. He was obviously dumbfounded.

His lawyer was smiling with contentment and pride while watching his client, Jayden, swirling his swivel chair to each corner gently and with territorial instinct.

"Tim Burton is heading to this floor this moment, Mr. Taylor." He said, preventing his boss from making the wrong decision to face Tim Burton without a legal wedding document. "He will turn us down."

"Let it be, Jonathan." Mr Will said, relaxing his aching and tired back against the comforting chair before Jayden Taylor. He had a meeting with a client early this morning after his night rest was interrupted by this man sitting right opposite him, turning pages of his marriage document with a corny smile on his face.

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