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INDIANA EVANS took her earrings off as she stepped into the dressing room and dropped them on the table. She ignored the other girls who stared at her.

"How are you, mam?" One of them asked with concern.

"Good, thanks." She reached for her wardrobe and found her dress she had worn before this revealing thing. That old fool had to touch her body. What would her mother have to do about that?

She placed them on her table and reached her hand behind to unzip her dress when Isabella came.

"Let me help you. You were so great outside."

She swung to face her mother. "That bitch touched me, mom."

"He's a VIP. I'm sorry there was nothing I could do but I doubled your pay." She showed the cheque of £100.

She wanted to scream further but she needed the cash. If she did nothing because he was a VIP, she could sell her for a VIP! She had to escape eventually.

Indiana accepted the cheque with grimace. "You entertained them really well, honey," She touched Indiana's brown waves. "and seeing two men fight over you was the greatest scene I have seen."

Oh! That's all she did while she performed on stage? Sit before her computer and watch her performance on stage.

"They weren't fighting over me, Mother." She rolled her eyes and pulled her denim pants up her legs.

"Well, I think they were." She glanced at Indiana's figure. "You have a great body." Indiana found her polo and put it over her head, ready to leave. "My driver will take you home. Sleep tight. You wouldn't like to be late for BARKER'S."

Oh! She whispered, leaving through the back door of the club. She wouldn't like to be late for Bournemouth. She would submit her resignation letter tomorrow before their departure.


JAYDEN saw Ryan return to their seat with a broad mocking smile on his face. "Did you just fight for a woman, Jayden?" He laughed, and Jayden quirked his brow.

"It's surprising because the woman in question is not Gianna." Caleb added and raised a drink. "You want whisky?"

"No. Thanks. " his reply was short.

"Do you like her, man?" Caleb enquired calmly.

"No." He stubbed the cigarette. "He dared to touch the woman because he is some rich old man. He went against the rule."

The entertainment came to an end, and the club boomed with louder music, and the dancing floor was filled with druken male and females. A few were playing darts, pool, shuffleboard, and foosball at the other side of the bar.

It was about midnight. Caleb, Liam, and Ryan went behind the stage to get their payment and get their girls.

Jayden stayed behind, back on the sofa, legs crossed and watched his friends enter some metal double doors with two bouncers guarding it.

The men were led to an office, and a bulky man addressed them with surprise and glee. "Welcome to FLOWERS misters. It's such an honour to have you seated in my office."

"We came to clear our payment." Ryan checked his wristwatch with discomfort. He hated this sort of men who rants continuously. "I'm against time."

"Oh. My apologies. I will work it out now." The secretary placed his glass back on his nose and moved his laptop a bit closer to himself.

The door burst open........

Ryan and the others turned and found Jayden at the door. His suit jacket hanging on his right shoulder. His hair totally dishevelled, he was panting and breathing heavily like he had ran all the way.

"Where can I see the president?" His voice was think and unwavering. Not even the look in their eyes shook him.

"Oh-Oh Sir Taylor, right in that glass door, please." The secretary stammered, half risen on his seat, hand pointing at the door he directed.

Isabella raised her head to see the man who had barged into her office without knocking, and to her surprise, she found Jayden Taylor standing tall and unshakable.

"Mr. T-Taylor, please sit." She pointed at the seat before her with happiness and anxiety.

Jayden stared at her for a while. Who told her he wouldn't sit if he wanted to? He sat anyway, his eyes holding hers, and the woman felt uncomfortable under his peering scrutinising gaze.

"Can I know why you have come to my office, Mr Taylor?" She asked, knowing the second top billionaire in England wouldn't come to her office for nothing but trouble.

"I want a compromise."

"A compromise?" Isabella asked with anxiety, placing the tendrils of her red hair behind her ears.

"I want." He paused and smiled demonicly. "Your daughter."

She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. Her cheeks trembled, but she managed to hold the smile for as long as she could. "You mean, Indiana Evans?"

Indiana Evans. "I made myself clear when I said your daughter, Mrs Evans." He watched the red head. Her fingers were trembling even when they were linked together. She was going to disapprove but he wouldn't let her.

"My daughter is off limits." She tightened her linked fingers. "I can give you other pretty ladies. I don't care if they have been auctioned." She gulped hard hoping this man before her doesn't persist further. But he only stared at her like he could see through her. She can't give Indiana to him. Not Indiana.

"I will pay you a million pounds. Whatever you demand." He watched her unlonk her fingers and rubbed them against her thighs. PERSPIRATION! OH he was winning eventually. One more push and the game is over. " A BMW." He sniffed. "Women your age fancy them."

She said nothing.

He sighed with irritation rubbing his hair. "Don't act so pure. A Saint wouldn't send her daughter to go half nude before the world."

Isabella felt like a dagger was stabbed through her heart. No matter what, she will definitely lose to Jayden Taylor. He had a way of breaking people to submission. "I accept!" Isabella twisted her mouth. This was wrong her heart warned, but her brain was so determined. "As long , you treat her with care."

"Why should I?" His taunting side returned in full force. "I am so careless and rough." He smiled, knowing the woman understood what he meant.

Isabella tightened her fists for control. Indiana was too pure for a devil like him. "Get your payments done and leave."

"Oh sure. Be rest assured I will leave but not after letting you know I can't pay so much for a woman for just a night."

She looked at him like he suddenly got two heads and four horns.

"I'm paying for a month. That's if I don't get tired and bored." He slapped. Her reaction was awfully beautiful. "Give me your details, and five hundred pounds will be transferred now. The rest will be sent after I have received her tomorrow at dusk."


Thanks for the follows, reads, votes, and comments so far. You all are my motivation. Thanks a lot.


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