Swiss x Reader - Hungover

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Uh, yeah. A thing.
TW: Vomit
Also Swiss grooms you like a cat at the end because it makes him feel better.

You sigh and pick up your phone and text Swiss.
'Are you coming back?'

You stare at the screen, waiting for a response. You wait for an hour, and still, there's no response. You sigh and fall back asleep.

You awake to the sun shining through your window. You sit up, and look around your empty room. Nothing changed.

You sigh and get up, your feel a little sick, but your not sure how to place the feeling other than some sort of emptiness. You take a shower, getting yourself cleaned and thinking about what to do with your day. You can go back to your room, or explore the house. You wander the hallways.

You pass by Swiss's room and hear a pained groan. You frown and walk away. What's wrong with him?

You go to your room, sit down on your bed, and think. What should you do? You get back up and go to Swiss's room.

You knock and he doesn't answer so you just open the door.

He's laying somewhere between in his side and on his stomach. His limbs look limp, his skin looks clammy and pale, and overall looked miserable.

"Swiss?" you ask, approaching him.
He turns his head slightly so that he can look at you. His eyes are bloodshot and pained.

"Swiss, what happened?"
He mumbles something that you can't understand. You take a few steps closer and his whole body jolts to the side and he vomits onto the floor, heaving and shaking.

You rush to his side and put your hand on his forehead. He's burning hot. You grab a trash can and a hair tie. You put the trash can in front of him and manage to get his dreads pulled back into a messy bun and out of his face.
He throws up again, this time only managing to get half of it out.

"Swiss, you need to drink something. I'll get you some water." You grab and empty cup off of his nightstand and fill it in the bathroom.

You return to his side and hold the cup to his mouth. He manages to open his mouth a little and take a few sips.

He nods slowly. You hold the cup back up to his lips again.
"Swiss, what happened? Do you need me to get you anything?" you ask.

He stares at you blankly.
"I need you to talk to me. I need you to tell me what's wrong."

He rolls his head away from you and groans. He rubs his face and sighs. "mmm... got fuckin' shitfaced last night..."  He mumbles, his voice barely audible.

"Swiss, you were supposed to come back to my room and stay with me, you said you would,"
He seems to think for a bit before he groans again. "Awe shit... sorry babe, I totally forgot,"

You feel your heart drop.

"I'm fine babe, just gimme a sec," he says, curling back up into his fetal position.

You sigh and get up. You go downstairs and grab a bottle of pain killers, some plain crackers, and a few bottles of Gatorade before going back up to Swiss's room.

You sit down on the edge of his bed and hand him the pain killers and crackers. He takes them and nods his thanks. He doesn't do anything with them though.

"I want you to take those and eat these," You say. "They'll help with the pain."
"I know, I know," he says, waving you off. "I'm ok,"

"No, your not, you threw up three times,"
"I'm fine,"
"You're not fine, take the pain killers and go to sleep, then we'll talk in the morning."

He stares at you for a moment, before nodding.
"You're right, you're right."
You sigh in relief.

You lay down beside him and fall asleep.  You wake up and he's snuggled against you.
You go to get up but he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you back down.

"Stay." He mumbles, his face buried in your back.
"You need to rest, you're too warm, you'll get a fever."

"I don't care," he says.
"You will care, trust me." You say.
You try to get up again, but he pulls you back down.

"No," he tightens his grip around your hips. "Stay,"

You sigh and shake your head. You lay back down and he shifts so he's partially on top of you.
"Now you can't go anywhere," he murmurs.
You chuckle.

"You know I can't."
"I know you can," he says, running his fingers through your hair. "I won't let you."

You stop talking. You close your eyes and listen.
You hear his heartbeat.
You hear your heartbeat.

You hear the squeaking of his bed as he shifts. You feel his cold hands slip under your shirt and rest on your warm tummy. You tilt your head to the side and look at him.

You watch him watch you. His eyes are bright and clear.
His breath is shallow and even.
You watch his chest rise and fall. It's very peaceful, then Swiss hoists your shirt over your head and pulls it off.

He pulls your bra straps off your shoulders, but leaves it on.

"Swiss what are you doing?"
"I'm gonna groom you," he says, licking over your shoulder.

You let out a little squeal and shove him off of you.
"No fair!"

"I need you to relax. I can't do this if you're tensing up." He says.
You roll your eyes and lay still, Swiss shifts a little bit and starts licking over your shoulder and collar bone.

"Swiss stop that!"
"Just relax," he says, "Your skin is so soft."
You close your eyes as his tongue laps over your skin, you can feel his breath on your neck. You can hear a soft purr coming from him.

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