Chapter 6 - Wanted Posters.

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Eros blinked down at himself, he had blood splatter running down his chin and torso. He frowned, what had happened? Shaking his head he cringed as a light headache set in. Like the pain he used to get when he first was learning to use his clairvoyance abilities. Something wasn't right... he hadn't used his abilities yet on earth he shouldn't;t be experiencing this pain yet, not until he started searching. There was still so much he had yet to experience before he even started down that path.

His eyes darted around, why is this different?

His eyes darted around, why is this different?

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Nothing else seemed out of the ordinary... 

He'd just fed after meeting Samuel for the first time, the next in the line of progression was... 

Right, the camp. 

Back on track, Eros tidied himself up the best he could, though with the small amounts of raggs he was left with it was proving difficult. Regardless his body was beginning the healing progress already, rapidly repairing his wounds and bringing him back to a state that was far more functional.

The sun peeked through the thick foliage of the trees as he walked back along the nonexistent trail that they appeared to be following, he was sure the lynx knew where they were, but he didn't. The warm rays were a welcome difference from the pounding cold and panic of the night before. He noticed then that the foliage looked different here, the colours and hues had changed along with the shape of the leaves, how far had he run? Had he managed to cross into a different area of the realm? That had to be it, how else could he explain it, the trees were thicker and grew closer together, the colours more vibrant. White-spotted red mushrooms grew at the base of the tall-reaching trees and green vines wrapped around the trunks as the dark green leaves made a shady canopy. This was a woodland forest.

"Took your time!" The Lynx yawned and stood to stretch out its back and hind legs.

"Geez sorry, I didn't want to rush it and leave its poor child an orphan!" Eros snapped back. One thing he would never rush was taking his time with control while he fed.

The cat huffed but didn't say anything as it moved on, walking further into the forest. 

Eros lightly jogged over to the beast catching up and following along behind as the forest slowly grew in density around them. He sighed. "Sorry, didn't mean to snap."

"No need to fret, if there is one thing I understand about your kind, it is the blood lust." The Lynx was actually gentle with his words.

"You're not taking me to your den to be devoured by your clan are you?" Eros joked with a nervous laugh.

"Too chewy, I much prefer my meat to be softer and less... muscled. Besides barbequed... whatever you are, is not on the menu." The lynx responded, ending his statement with a disguised noise.

Erosvent shivered, the odd thought that he had to have tried it before in order to know those facts lingered in his mind.

"I prefer fish, and the humans have come up with splendid ways to prepare it." The Lynx added as he increased his speed.

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