Chapter 11 - Entering the Dreamscape.

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Outside of the dreamscape - Present Time.

In a well-lit cozy room within the walls of the sanctuary, Elaina sat herself down on the bed beside her sleeping husband. How many days had it been now...

Still, he would not wake.

She lifted a hand to his face as a tear slid down her cheek. Pushing aside a stray strand of hair she looked longingly down at him. "My love, please return to me, to us." She whispered.

And still, he did not wake.

"Elaina." A female voice sounded from behind her.

"Yes?" Wiping away her tears she straightened herself up and turned to face the newcomer. The woman was dressed in all black, her dark skin with white markings peeking through the lace of her garments, she also wore a veil covering the bottom half of her face.

"I'm Erisena. Lady Aveyon has sent me to be of aid." The dark elf stepped forward and bowed slightly in greeting.

"Oh, yes. Thank you for coming on such short notice." Elaina stood, her eyes hopeful as she clenched her hands to her chest.

"Had I known earlier that one of our warriors had been out of action for so long..." The elf shook her head. "I am sorry it took me this long to reach you." She moved to stand beside Elaina. "May I?"

Elania nodded stepping aside and letting the elf examine her husband. She'd heard of Erisena from Aveyon, she'd been one of the few who had survived the battle with Ashera and also the one to train Aveyon. If Aveyon trusted her, then so did she.

Erisena reached out placing her hands in such a way that they hovered above Erosvent's sleeping form. Her eyes half closed as her head tilted to the side.

Elaina felt the air around her change, it chilled in temperature and the sound of tiny cracking crystals could be heard. She'd never get used to the feeling of others using this type of magic around her. Though if Eros were awake he'd scold her for calling it magic and not essence-wielding. The thought only reminded her how much she missed him.

"He's been this way since his ascension?" Erisena asked.

"Yes, since the first night, he returned from Alarious with Vincent, went to sleep and hasn't woken. At first, we just thought it was exhaustion, but as the days went on and he still didn't wake we knew something was amiss." Elaina sighed. "We've tried everything, it doesn't make any sense given the protections on the Sanctuary. Ava suggested that it was spirit-related, hence calling you in."

The elf frowned at the use of the Goddess's informal name. "He's not being attacked or harmed so the enchantment on these walls is of no use to him. I would surmise he is trapped in a dream state." Erisena explained.

"What?" Elaina frowned, this was the first she had heard of it. Could that even be possible?

"It's not uncommon for dream spirits to target persons with strong spirit-wielding capabilities. Though normally they feed on the energy for a single night, sometimes two, then leave. This case is... peculiar." Erisena frowned struggling to find the answer.

"Can you help him?" Elaina pleaded.

"No." Erisena was blunt, the response visually hurting Eliana. "I'm afraid, he can only help himself. I know of no other dream walkers, I can put the word out... but,"

"There must be something we can do!" Eliana couldn't give up, she wouldn't.

Erisena's gaze shifted to Eliana giving her a once over, the elf looked hesitant to say what was on her mind.

"What is it?" Elaina inquired.

"It would be asking a lot of you." The elf shook her head.

"I don't care." Was Elaina's reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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