Chapter 8 - Time Skipping Taverns.

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Several months passed as Erosvent grew familiar with the surrounding towns and roads. He had learnt quickly and with the help of a certain cat he had named Samuel. His new attire included a hooded cloak which seriously came in handy. His face was still on wanted posters in some parts so he had learned to hide his identity. But the guilds in each town had been very accommodating much like the one Samuel had taken him to in the beginning. He had built a good reputation within the guild community and made enough coin to keep him clothed and out of trouble. 

Samuel had long left him on his own pretty early on, it seemed the cat was more of a solitary animal. He couldn't blame the cat, he didn't particularly like company. This left him with a lot of free time to memorize routes between towns and train his body to withstand the different climates that came and went.

Walking through a dimly lit town, his heavy boots treading heavily on the cobbled roads. He'd grown used to this town now, and might even be ready to call it his home on earth. But still, he remained rather distant from the residents, too afraid of a repeat of what had happened with the young child and Daniel. That had turned into a complete shit show and he wasn't sure he could face another pitchfork again. Instead, he'd settled alone in the south occupying a small hut on the outskirts of -

 Instead, he'd settled alone in the south occupying a small hut on the outskirts of -

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The scene blurred, Eros cringed as a sharp pain japped at his mind. Someone or something was shifting through his memories, scanning for something. His mind grew foggy and strained as he couldn't seem to form a cognitive thought. He pressed a hand to his temple as a hiss escaped his lips. 

He was becoming aware of another presence in his space, but why was he also reliving his memories? Were they looking for something? He couldn't hold onto the feelings and thoughts he experienced in these moments of clarity, their strength seemed to dwarf his. This was different to the visions he induced when he was channelling someone. Was he being channelled?

The world around him warped and changed, images flashed before his eyes of his time on earth. It was blinding and disorientating. Finally, as things slowed down he was able to focus again. He found himself standing outside of a building that looked like a tavern, the town he was now in was completely different from the one he had been in moments early. 

His eyes widened as he recognized the place. The varnished wood, the double swinging door entry, the loud noises from inside. This place still haunted his dreams. Not this... Anything but this. His mind was paralyzed by the memory but his feet moved on their own. It was like his body had no will of its own and was being forced to play out the scene.

Approaching the entrance his hand pushed the double doors open, his ears were bombarded with singing and music. A thick smog of cigar smoke and the smell of alcohol and vomit made for a not-so-tasteful atmosphere. He could smell the man who had robbed him sitting at the counter of the bar. His fangs throbbed, he'd grown used to scaring humans off, but the desire to drain this scumbag dry was high tonight.

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