Chapter 10 - Rescue Operation

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Eros hadn't learned that Zeph's true name, but he didn;t press the matter. The man seemed to be keeping that little fact a secret. He put it down to protection of the trial and didn't think much of it at the time. Zeph was an Alarian soldier like himself, though they had never met before today. He had told Eros that he had been on his trial now for some 46 years now. He was close to completion and had helped many Alarians like himself in his time in this realm. He explained that though it was not spoken about, there was no reason why they couldn't help each other.

Eros however didn't reveal that he was a royal, not wanting any special treatment from his fellow soldier. They had spoken only briefly as time was of the essence.

Eros now sat waiting outside the tavern for the crowd to leave. Zeph remained inside as their eyes and ears. He was to see which man was to purchase Elaina. They planned to follow her and get her out of the situation before he could do anything to her. Eros was truly thankful for the help, he was a little too on edge to be inside right at this moment.

He could hear the roar and cheers of commotion from within. His back was firmly planted against the tavern wall, his hand pocking at the sand on the ground. His idea had been better, but they didn't have enough money. Already the bidding had gone well over what they both had on their person.

Noise in the form of cheers and laughter erupted from within only making him tense. Was it time? Had she been purchased? Just thinking the words was making his stomach turn. Hearing the wooden swing doors he vaulted upright and hoisted himself up onto the roof of the establishment, he didn't want to be seen. Keeping low we watched as a series of men and women in hooded cloaks, likely the purchased goods for the night, left the building and headed around the back.

Zeph appeared to be a good actor, mingling well with the crowd as people continued to disperse and leave the area. The Alarian glanced for a moment up at Eros's hidden from the back to the man who was rounding a corner and headed to the back of the establishment. Eros took that as his sign and continued to track the man and the cloaked woman with him. The man appeared to be drunk and stumbling, relying on the women to practically carry him as they walked.

They entered a room that was well hidden, the door had no handle on the outside and only a single window to the side. If one didn't know any better it just looked like the back of the tavern and not a room of its own. As they entered the room he had easily slipped from the shadows of the roof to the ground, catching the handless door before it could fully close.

Making sure no one else was around he slipped through the door ready to attack the male. Much to his surprise Elaina stood with her hands crossed over her chest, a stern look on her face, with the man unconcous behind her. The man was splade out on the bed with a happy expression on his face.

"I knew you would do this." She shook her head at him.

He blinked up at her in shock, then at the man behind her.

"As you can see I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself." She stated shifting her weight to one leg and tilting her head to the side.

"I can see that... did you drug him?" She must have, so he hadn't been drunk, the drug had already been taking effect before they reached the room. He took a step closer curious but she blocked his path.

"You need to leave, now." Her tone was stern.

Taken aback, he frowned unable to make sense of this. "Come with me." He pleaded.

"Erosvent, I barely know you. I met you years ago, for one night. Why would I go with you? I can take care of myself!" She repeated.

"Your lying, you're covered in bruises. Is it Daniel?" He tried in protest.

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